Advance Your Scholarly Pursuits with the New High Scholar’s Pack

Advance Your Scholarly Pursuits with the New High Scholar’s Pack

The endless pursuit of higher knowledge is its own reward, but you can dress the part when you purchase the High Scholar’s Pack—available for a limited time.*

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I don’t really like robe mogs and while I’m ok getting tenders with stuff I buy I’m not gonna buy something I don’t want just for the tenders. No shade on anyone that like the set or is just buying it for the tenders it’s just not for me. You do you.


That’s super scummy of blizzard


Hmm idk… i like the set but… idk.


Worse than Celestial Observer for $5 more. $10 mog with $15 of tender kek.


Why is it purple?

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To piss off us colourblind people who already have enough trouble putting together mogs that work because we can’t see red/green and purple is basically blue to us.


Why not throw in Trader’s Tenders with all cash shop items and services? Instead of what we all know this is. Class Mogs just went up on the Trader’s Post. This is to try to get people to buy Tenders with Blizz account balance or cash.

Why even bother with trying to disguise it? Just put trader’s tender on the cash shop and be done with it. Let people who want to fork over money for cosmetics, do so. Let others not. Everyone with a sliver of business sense knows exactly what this is. And trying to disguise it, or legalese it by saying “They are a part of a bundle”. This is a cloth mog. Not a bundle. It is a set. And there is Trader’s Tender added to it.

The issue is that, it would just be easier to put tender on the cash shop and call it a day. Instead its this dance of plausible deniability, legalese speak, and half truths.

  • They are creating desirable items for the Trader’s Post. Which is good.
  • Then they are incrementally increasing the cost of items in Tender on the Trader’s Post. Which is bad.
  • They are not increasing the monthly cap on earnable Tender. Which is bad.
  • Then they are adding items to the cash shop, and bundling them with Trader’s Tender. Which is bad.

You dont need a business degree to see what they are doing. What people are upset about is the song and dance around the monetization. They are creating desirable items. They are allowing customers to earn enough in game currency to buy some, but not all of the items they want. Then they are adding a way to get more in game currency to buy the items they want, by spending real money on their cash shop.

It is game monetization 101. It would be much better if they just put 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 Tender on the cash shop for money and left it at that.


Please stop throwing tenders on literally any bundle possible. I feel most of us assumed that “we won’t sell tenders, just include in some bundles” meant significant bundles like a Summer bundle, or an Expansion collection bundle. This is slightly better than the corsage one but not by much.

I do not hate shop items but constantly adding new stuff every few weeks is getting desperate and spammy. And a lot of these are FOMO by being limited time. Some items being purchasable later on the trading post is nice but I still feel like this system is flawed and it feels like blizzard is throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks, regardless of how it makes the game look.

Too many shop items. And multiple recent ones were just flat-out low quality like the kodo mount (bad textures) and that brown armor set.


Be nice if this was something you could earn in-game just saying with optional colors to the mog set.


this. it’s blizzard’s fault for not conforming to our expectations.

if blizzard says A and we assume B, they’d better stick to B like they said. anything else is just dishonest. Ion is a lawyer! Bobby’s yacht lmao


Well i dont mind this. IF the ingame sets and items wont start looking like a piece of :poop: and only moggable cool loking sets will be from the shop…like with mounts.

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Gross, it’s Kirin Tor themed. You can keep it.


I’d normally pick up something if I like the transmog but this is overpriced.


I will wait for the High Scholar’s Arcana transmog set to be available on the Traders Post.
I can wait.


The price is a bit high compared to other cosmetics. Attaching tenders to it means the price goes up I guess


I love this set, WTB more pink stuff, lots and lots and lots of pink stuff please and thank you. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


Seems like a solid mage mog - whats on the hip? A book?

Don’t be like me and think “Oh sweet, a cool looking mog, can’t wait to see the Robeless version!”

Yea, no. They didn’t even add pants to the set. There’s only the robe.

I bought it thinking they’d put the same amoutn of work into it as the Fireplume Regalia - aka giving us options like a non-robe set.

They didn’t. Now I feel like I wasted money cause I really wanted a non-robe version of this for my mage :confused:

Can you please add a robeless variant with pants for those who don’t like robes? >_<


Everyone knows a true scholar never wears pants :smile: