Talent Trees no longer working

They aren’t showing for me but they are still working.

My concussive shot is still stunning mobs. I still have the 5 extra crit to tanged attacks.

I’m close to 20 so I wonder if I just clicked Aimed Shot if I’ll get it.

Paying for a respec at the trainer seems to “work”, but obviously not the correct solution.

Also the Talents UI after putting points into a tree will show the points for each talent you have spent, but in the lower right it shows “Points spent in Arms Talents:” with nothing after it then “Unspent Talent Points: 0”.

There is also a “Role” icon in the upper right that shouldn’t be there.

Just dinged 50 on my lock and none of my previous talents show up BUT they all still work and the new point can’t be spent on any of the old talents.

yep all alts trees empty

You folk would have never survived gaming 15-20 years ago.

Patches would render the games so bad you could not even log in. To be honest, I am simply amazed it is allowing sustainable play, for the most part. Are there problems? Yes. I am sure one of the genius folk around here can find the problem and either come up with a workaround, or Blizzard will patch, because at the least we need our talent trees functioning.

I do like the Auction house structure, separating the blues, greens, white, and grey items. Along with the next page option being at the top, instead of having to scroll down to hit that particular button before. Also, they did clean it up a bit, the miscellaneous tab being one thing for sure.

And the male/female pics on the character creation screen? Can you find anything to be more petty and uptight about???

In order to fix this (and a couple of other issues), we’re going to restart all Classic Era realms at 7:00 a.m. PDT tomorrow, Wednesday, August 23.

At that time, your talents will be reset, and you should be able to select them as usual.


Pointing out that long standing terms of our language and general understanding and grounding in reality and society are being changed for no good reason is maybe a little more than “petty and uptight.”


Eughh. I guess this means I’m re-levelling 2h weapons on my shammy again.


you’re forcing us all to respec? so shameful :expressionless:

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Does this mean talents aren’t going to work on the HC servers?

Why would it mean that?

What a weird hill to die on. We’re not gaming 20 years ago now. In 2023 standards are higher across the board and it is no longer acceptable to release dumpster fire patches and then do nothing when they totally break large aspects of the game. Software development has come a long way over this time and they should have better fault recovery processes in place.


One would think.

How much of this other stuff is going to affect HC servers?


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I’m going to put out a tinfoil hunch, and say someone on the inside of the development team with access to code is intentionally interjecting malicious programming for personal reasons. yeah, this is obvious… who wouldn’t of thought of that?

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But, uh :smiley: on a serious note, none of the characters i have checked have any access to talent point interaction, while my one druid does have access to talents can see talents spent *-- and has spent talents. wieerd…
Ooor to be more specific, this talent bug Is Not affecting all characters.

They haven’t implemented the fix yet. Also, there is an option in your spellbook for “Show all spell ranks”, should fix your issue.

There’s reportedly a ui checkbox for lower rank abilities to be hidden/displayed in one’s spellbook.

Open your spellbook => Click the checkbox that says “Show all spell ranks”