16 Years old and No Tinker Class

I’d really like to see other classes besides Tinker. One being some kind of Siege Engineer. Not really sure how that would work but it’s something I see Dwarfs and Orcs being.

Maybe some kind of Battleground only class as some kind of secondary class.

actually we technically do. engeneering has many combat related items and is equivelant to a tinkerer. so if anything i think theyd just make engeneering actually useful instead of adding a full class.

Of the many interesting things that Tinker have, None of them equate to the things we’ve seen Tinkers do.

Turrets, Missile barrages, Mech suits that you can use in combat.

Engineering doesn’t really cover those.
Alternatively if Engineering was strong enough to be it’s own class. It would be too good to be a profession anymore.

It should be a class.
If it was a profession, it would be completely overbearing.
If it’s a class, it can meet its full potential.

engeneerring has a turret and a missile barage doesnt it? i mean granted this is like… cataclysm engeneering i believe so its absolutely useless in any content after like lvl 20 but i think it really just needs to be properly updated with every patch instead of being abandoned further everytime blizzard releases new content

Engineering really does need some love! But I think a comparable to this consideration is First Aid (RIP) and Priest. They both can heal but one is kind of a small utility and the other is a full blown class with ability rotations.

Yeah. You’re right.
It does have these things, but they aren’t a relevant part of engineering.

Here’s the thing though.
You’d still need to keep them as crappy, suplimental abilites to existing classes.
Professions have to be weaker than classes.
People don’t like professions being too overbearing.

If engineering was as good as you suggest. Everyone would have to use it to deal competitive dps.

Or, you could just make it its own class. Give it a rotation. and multiple specs.
Heals, ranged dps, Tank.

Make it unique, and make the Engineering profession better in its own way.

You can have Engineering remain a utility, and have tinkers be a class

Clockworth puts it better.
Priest is a class that heals.
First aid is a healing utility.

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Haha great minds! Both were thinking the same thing.

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My thoughts exactly, my technology enhanced friend.

Engineering can be a utility, and tinkers can be a class.

Just like Mages are class, and Enchanting is a utility.

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i mean… honestly that does sound pretty interesting, shadowlands has the possibility of adding a new class (because this is the xpac they would add one if they planned to) but people say the DK for allied races was the new class.
i hope not because the pottential for a new class is pretty high right now and id love to see what they come up with

canonically ik its not possible but id love to see blood magic or necromancy.

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However unfortunate, I agree with you.
Shadowlands had room for a new class, but didn’t do it.
So I believe a new class is more likely than not in 10.0

Blood Magic is sort of loose and nondescript.
Also: If you want to be really semantic and technical about it. All of the “Blood mage” abilities from WC3 are in game already.
If you play a Blood Elf fire mage. You are a Blood Mage.

I agree it isn’t thematic to modern blood mages. But it is accurate.

Necromancy on the other hand is hard because we already has a class that uses it.

None of the classes use “Tinker” abilities. Which is why its so appealing.

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New classes are always big mula boosters for Blizz, so it makes sense that they’ll keep adding new ones.

And I agree, we are due for something new.

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Regardless of what the New class is, I’d bet on it being 3 specs.
Ranged DPS
Ranged Healer

3 things in high demand from the playerbase.

Personally, I of course advocate for Tinkers, as they easily fill these 3 roles.
Ranged DPS: Explosives
Ranged Healer: Heal Darts and/or Alchemy
Tank: Mech suit.

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its possible we may get a race or class in the later patches of shadowlands (talking like 2 years from now) however its more likely to be in the expac after shadowlands sadly

Yeah, I don’t expect any new class until at least 10.0
When that happens, I hope it’s tinkers. But that’s obvious by now.

As for races or anything in Shadowlands specifically? I wouldn’t expect anything for Shadowlands.
No classes, No races, and nothing too interesting for me TBH.

I’m still hopeful that they add Tinker, soon!

…Just randomly… oh hey, we forgot to add Tinker in the last BfA patch. Here ya go!

Hey … a Mechhagnome can dream!

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Oh boy can I ever dream.

It just seems so easy. The assets are here, the races are here, the abilities are here, we even have NPCs.
It’s just so close yet so far.

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Tank spec, like weird hybrid of D.Va and Reinhardt from Overwatch. Put up a barrier, eject, and self destruct.

Healer spec, like Brigitte or Ana. Heals stuff by hitting with her flail, and can nanoboost.

DPS spec is all about setup, and can barrier, although weaker than the tanks. Sentry turrets, focusing beams, all about the burst.

All three specs have a Hack talent. Make the other side’s leader a useless brick in PvP. Duplicating talent would be fun too.


I would rather a Bard class to be honest, I’m really not a fan of the tinker theme in any game, But a flute playing range caster that buffs his team and debuffs enemies with different songs sounds awesome. Really easy to fit a healing and dps spec into that theme.

Thou shalt nevah be a bard in the world of WARcraft!