15th Anniversary issue

When i go to the caverns of time for the event I see no party or chromie. I just see a bunch of mobs called Chronal Anomaly. They where everywhere. What am i missing?

There have been some bugs with the event launch and, so far, there’s been no confirmation that they’ve been entirely eradicated.

This is possibly still one of them.

You may also want to see if this applies to you, from an earlier thread:

He is not even there…

So it’s possibly one of the bugs that still has yet to be ironed out, and hopefully an update will be coming within the next couple hours or when the crew gets into the office in the morning.

Yeah I will just check back int he morning! thanks for the info Ekon!

Here is a bit of a monkey wrench. .This character can not see anything down there, but my warlock can.

Go to the drake at the entrance of the Caverns of time, see if he has a low level quest that flies you in there. I believe it phases the area.

He is not there. Nothing is normal in the cave. The mobs are Chornal Annomilies. That is it. Nothing else.

That sounds like you need to finish the Tailoring Tricks of the Trade questline. If you finish that chain it should show the event.

Yeah that is what I am reading. I am going to try that tonight and see if that fixes it.

As an update, finishing the quest fixed it!