Vanilla - MC, ZG, AQ, Naxx40 to Horsemen
Burning Crusade - Took a break for this xpac, came back and finished Black Temple and Sunwell.
WotLK - All content cleared when it was current, except ICC to Heroic Blood Queen.
Cataclysm - Branched out and raided in a top 25 US guild for BoT, BWD, To4W, DS, killing Spine and Madness before the nerf.
MoP - Killed all bosses on Heroic and Mythic while parsing on several fights. CE Siege of Org.
WoD - Started slowly in this xpac but ended up clearing HM during content. Joined a new team, cleared all of Mythic BRF and HC during content.
Legion - Currently 7/7 H and 7/7 M EN Cutting Edge, 2/3 M ToV, 10/10 M NH. Cleared TOS on normal the first night then had to relocate for a job. Updated for 7/9 M TOS. CE Antorus.
BFA- 6/8 M Uldir during content, 7/9 M BOD, 7/8 M EP during content. Hated BFA and couldnt continue playing.
SL- 6/10 M back in Febuary where I DPS’d to fill a void for a team as the mechanic volunteer so others could Pump. Finishing my builders license conflicted my schedule, however that is done now and I make my own.
Update: SoD- Pugged first 2 on heroic, and 6 on normal first night.
Exceptional ranged skillset and vocal skills mainly with the Hunter as I know how to utilize all my CD’s, situational awareness and split second decision making.
DPS will always be in line but I focus heavily more on always being alive.
Add me if you think we would be a good fit!