Oooh, I should give that a try. It’s pretty hard to determine whether or not certain moments is an “THEY’RE GUNNA DIE” low or a “give it a second” low lmao.
Yeah, then if they do die with enough runic power its just. Their fault.
I don’t think we’d use the same rings anyway
I’m gunna make sure to use point if they die while I’m healing through keys. “You had X runic power you FIEND. USE IT.”
You shouldn’t be giving that content out for free
the forbidden 3rd 4th and 5th ring slots
That completely needless change to death strike certainly didn’t do them any favors so far as healing goes. A whole bunch of DKs went from having the illusion of skill to just giving up.
No video on youtube has ever been staged. It would be impossible to coordinate with 4 other people ahead of time, have them make a group and list it then “randomly” join it in your video.
Unusable for hooved characters
Just leaving these here
Just some helpful weakauras.
Won’t argue with you there. In keys where we’ve got two PI’s I usually just PI the Prot (if there is one, obviously).
More like feetauras
The feet make me weak…auras.
Your ascension, is complete.
If only I lasted a little while longer.
There’s still quite a bit in every dungeon, even if it’s not the things that are most difficult to avoid. You’re also ignoring the entire second half of my comment
PI me twice plz
story of my life.
i mean. wait.
You mortals are the most wrathful creatures in existence.
I remember an urban legend of a pug raid where a girl offered to trade feet pics in vent for a bow that someone else won.
LOTR mod for Skyrim