You mean you aren’t pugging healerless 15’s already? How quaint.
Not yet.
Just watch for me to get a top 5 players for a spec in the world to join my group.
Screamers like you are the reason healers and tanks got nerfed to the ground on more than a few occasion, making an already miserable role /even more miserable/. Just…don’t lmao. We already have tank and healer shortages, they don’t need even more reason to not play that role.
Honestly with how prot pally is currently tuned . You can time keys with just 5 prot pallies . Their sustain , their damage , their healing is clearly insane
Time really is a flat circle. We’ve come back to this, and it’s gonna have the same outcome. Only this time prot paladin is the only tank that’s performing at a worthwhile level, so imagine the shape all the other tanks will be in after the hammer falls.
We’re all going to get hit, but RIP tanks in particular.
i wish there was a way to see all unavoidable dmg taken in that key, then compare it to a key even 5 levels lower and see the difference so people could understand how the game works.
then another table showing the amount of times the group used consumable items and defensive cooldowns that increase group survivability or flat out heal the group. then compare that to the average pug player in a +10, or really any key level average key
Brewmaster would probably be the worst possible class in the game if that happens. I feel so bad for the people who main it.
Might as well just remove it from the game at that point.
In NW there really isnt that much unavoidable damage , except for a few casts and the bosses . For the most part everything else is Cc-able and kick-able
NGL I don’t even know what actual MH I have equipped anyway
Yeah DK also needs minimal healing if they’re doing mechanics properly, and can self-heal big hits with death strike.
I’mma be real; I think every dungeon should be designed like that. Rather than a bunch of unavoidable AoE spam, you place all the agency in the hands of the players. Want to win? Git gud.
You have my fist weapon mogged into a bladed fan
doesnt have the same ring to it.
The last two bosses would actually be somewhat hard as there’s a lot of unavoidable party damage from the auras.
I think the biggest thing I’ve found with B-DKs is that they make me nervous lmao. Their health is constantly going from 10 to 100, 10 to 100, 10 to 100. Little mini heart-attacks.
Yo-yos. They’re health yo-yos.
Which is what got me like how they survive Stitchflesh’s passive aoe damage from his add and his stichneedle on a 15 lol
I use a WA that goes red/green to let me know if they need a heal or not based on their runic power.