$15/ month, Pay-2-Win and still more spam than F2P games

blizz loves gold boosts because they sell the gold now.

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just…do the content yourself?
theyre just getting it run through faster, nothing over anyone else lol

So close to self awareness. This problem exists outside of blizzard. Want to cut down on spam? Convince players to stop buying boosts. Considering it has been going on long before tokens were a thing, all I can say is good luck.

Wrong. WoW is Pay-2-Win. How could this possibly be true.

You aren’t winning anything. At best, it is pay-for-convenience.

You clearly have never played an actual p2w game.


I completely disagree, this game’s community is awesome especially with what everyone did for Reckful’s death. I also wouldn’t put the blame on a couple goblins exploiting the system. Blizzard should fix their game

Like I always say, when I can buy the gear directly from the cash shop, then cry p2win.

Right now it’s just paying someone for a service they are offering.

Taking away tokens doesn’t suddenly make that go away.

Does paying someone to cut your grass instead of doing it yourself also count as p2win?


Just six months? You new around here?

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I remember that. It was the first store mount and I bought because it was so cool and I remember some dude in Goldshire saying “look at that mount, that guy isn’t even level 80”. Like, the horror that I had something fancy I hadn’t earned in a raid. Always remember it.

If you say that again, somewhere a Gnome dies. Don’t do it!

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Eh. Its such a gray area to argue otherwise is fruitless.

Token certainly enables a lot of P2W behaviors. But that’s not to say all boosting is necessarily P2W.

Arguing people always used RL money for an advantage is equally as disingenuous because they could very easily get account banned.

Blizzard definitely intentionally skirts the line on this issue. To me there is no denying that.

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I’ve never seen boosting as bad as it is now. Literally half the people i see in 226 gear are stuck at 1600 or 1700 rating.

Meaning they obviously paid for a boost then dropped down to their normal rating after getting their gear.

This sucks because people legitly pushing 2100 are facing 2600+ players doing boost carries.

And people at 1600-1800 get screwed as well because they are facing other 1800s but with 226 gear they paid for.

Because we needed yet another thread about this?

Why not postnin one of the existing threads on this exact same topic?

Wait this is pay to win? Where on the blizzard store can I buy a full mythic set? It would save me a lot of time.


I don’t agree. Even if you took a perfect scenario where there were no tokens or third party gold sellers, you don’t think people wouldn’t just farm the gold themselves and still end up with the same result of people buying carries? You’d just slow down the process. Slightly.

Some people are willing to pay a premium for convenience whether that is paying extra for a pass to skip lines at an amusement park or gearing up a character.

I just don’t consider it p2w because it’s not coming from blizzard directly. You can say they are helping facilitate the behavior by selling the tokens but I also feel like that is a tenuos argument. Excuse the pained analogy but it’s like saying safe injection sites encourage more people to do drugs.

The old mantra of MMOs is time played or effort = reward. So no, I don’t think most players would have an issue with a player who bank rolls gold earned in game buying a carry.

Its the same reason why no one seemingly cared that a solo player could get mythic quality gear in 8.3. Even the most elitist of hardcore raiders. Because it still required effort and wasn’t invalided by a real life resource unless you bought with tokens for cash of course.

But isn’t the argument some people are making is that selling and buying boosts between players is p2w regardless of where that gold is coming from? Most of the complaints I see are people saying too many people are trying to sell runs. To those people just the act of buying and selling carries is p2w and I don’t agree but I see what you are saying and time and effort and reward.

Lets not forget the other pay-2-win endorsed by Blizzard that is BoE’s

As an example, Method spending 20K dollars buying BoE’s and crafted gear to achieve world first over guild that didnt spend as much. This is recent history.

BoE’s need to be a thing of the past. Remove them and the pay-2-win they represent. The game will not be worse because they are gone, but will be inherently better.

It’s not pay to win lmao

I don’t think you know what that term means.


People are unsubbing to the game because it’s bad so they increasingly put gold sinks to get you to buy tokens (leggo base items, boe, etc) , and allow boosting for gold. It’s a bottom line thing

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If you win the title of world first, the sponsors and money that brings…its pay-2-win. Maybe you should look up what it means.