15 minutes is not long enough

Nobody knows for sure. We know with exploits they yank the servers off. So my guess. Someone exploited SOD and they shut down to patch it. Anyone know for sure?

In bold is the key word.

Might explain as to why the minimal forwarning.


I mean I’d say it’s pretty blatant from your level 20 vitriol that I’m safely both more mature and more intelligent than you.

Sorry about your life and personality, friend.

Back to topic; Blizz should at the very least be restoring started keys to the level they were.

Your opinion about how he is allowed to react about the content he does is extremely dismissable.

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not crying, just amused by it. its just how my luck goes. if it can go wrong, it will. I’ve come to expect this sort of thing

I haven’t experienced that.

Going out on a limb and saying blizz is under an attack since all servers retail, classic and SoD went down EU and US just saying

Just skip right to +11-13. First notable spike in difficulty is +14.

Gonna build a road with all the bricked keys.


All I heard was how angry you are. The hasty breakdown of every single line of my post to just say ‘no’ to each one is a telltale sign of someone who spends a lot of time yelling with their fingers in their ears. You’re probably always right when you argue with someone, aren’t you? Get real and stay mad. :v:

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Keys have nothing to do with it. The servers need immediate attention of some kind, and they need to come down to do so. That’s the “emergency” part you don’t seem to understand.


“I don’t have time to waste on the forums all day”

Proceeds to post over and over whining about nothing.

Yes, you are SO intelligent. I see it now.

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Murphy’s law at your service!


They’re not doing this because they want to. They’re doing this because something needs to be fixed immediately.


All I heard is how angry you are because you’re on the forum trolling peoples posts instead of doing anything else.

Again, fits you more than me.

I mean you’ll be the one that will be sorry.

 my bad, let’s bring the servers back up since you haven’t been impacted by any issues.

oh sorry BLIZZARD

https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS/status/1731742823924572428?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet is the last status update. The fact they still use twitter is horrendous.

Yes, I’m posting during the time that I was clearly intending to be doing a key, but now cannot.

I see your intelligence doesn’t extend to “don’t have time to waste on forums all day” doesn’t = I never have any time, including now, and therefore can never post.

I am actively posting in here, and WAS actively doing a key, therefore it would be easy to assume I CURRENTLY have time.

Enjoy your level 20 alt to hide behind, and your clearly neckbeard like behind a keyboard attitude friend. Cheers!

I wonder some days if theres a GM following me around with a grudge or sorts. His name must be Murphy lol