15 anniversary when? ANSWERED

When will the anniversary start? It’s not on the calendar.
Thanks but I figured it out already!

23 November

EDIT 2: So, this information down below is WAAAAAAAAAY off now as Blizzard announced at Blizzcon that it would start the 5th of November and in their official post they have stated it will continue through to the 7th of January.

So everything posted down below this is inaccurate and outdated.

Supposedly the 16th of Novemeber is when it starts and it will last roughly two weeks.

EDIT: Wooooooah, that wowhead link is way off XD 1969 huh.

Uhm, lets go with this one instead.

Again, November 16th to the 30th.


According to wowpedia the anniversary events range from November 16 - 30.

With the amount of awesome stuff they are adding for 15th anniversary I hope they let it run an additional week or two.

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Am I hallucinating, or does the in-game calendar show that the 15th anniversary celebration will last from this week through the first week of January? Crazy if it is, but awesome if this is factual… Anyone know for sure?

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It’s tomorrow, dudes.


It’s right here on the web site.

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Coolbeans, it wasn’t when I made the thread over four days ago though :slight_smile:

Four days ago there was only speculation and nothing on the calendar. Looking forward to it!

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Hover over November 5th and you’ll see it.

Again, over 4 days ago when I made the thread it was not there.

I realize the wowhead page is a thing now and the calendar. I made the thread when it wasn’t.

Or maybe it was just hiding from you.

How cheeky of it to do that.

They announced it at BlizzCon that hey we’re releasing it tmrw. A littler earlier for the fans

Kay, but you see my post date? Ya, no one had the answer then. You guys are doing the equivalent of telling me the lottery numbers I asked for before the numbers were drawn AFTER THE NUMBERS WERE ANNOUNCED. :slight_smile:


It’s right on the wowhead website. You’ll see the blue posts from the tracker as soon as it pops up.
/kidding :slight_smile:

It’s tomorrow foo! Jerez pay attention!

So here is some updated information on the event, my original post seems to have been wrong/has changed.

LFR tomorrow will be like 25% people watching, and 75% chaos.

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