$15 a month for a 14 year old game?

i would gladly pay $30 a month just for classic

You are not paying $15 a month for Classic. You are paying $15 for World of Warcraft.

This is how I look at it. Regardless if we have exact numbers or not. World of Warcraft sub numbers are down. HeelsVSBabyface did a video a few weeks(months) ago and estimated roughly around 3,000,000 active users in US/EU. Now World of Warcraft peaked at 12,000,000 world wide, with many of them from China. Hell, the whole reason we had Blood Elves was due to Asian players complaining Horde had no “pretty” race. (This is from John Staats/Mark Kern).

So. 3,000,000 subs. World of Warcraft needs people. Or do they? Despite 3,000,000 subs or however many they have. Activision reported that World of Warcraft is one of their top 3 moneymakers in terms of revenue (per Bellular video).

 they are coming out with Classic WoW for $15. Why? To get those people who left back Well that’s obvious. But, they want you to become involved in all of World of Warcraft. You may not look into BFA, but someone else might. They might buy a WoWtoken in BFA or even a level boost.

There are a few articles about World of Warcraft in China. The game broke records in China because DOTA from Warcraft was literally being played in every single internet café in the country. Warcraft is extremely popular over in China. Or it was. World of Warcraft in 2009, when it had a total playerbase of 12,000,000. 4,000,000 of those players were from China, according to the Chinese publisher. (You can find this info on joystiq website.)

WoW beta released in china in 2005. This Engadget article states that 100,000 players signed up within the first HOUR. And the beta had 500,000 people playing in China. 500,000 people for just the BETA!

In 2005, WoW went from 2,500,000 subs to 6,000,000 subs. Within the first month of release in mid 2005, China’s WoW had 1,500,000 players.

The government of China in the coming years needed to enact laws to prevent people from playing the game so much.

So. It’s now 10+ years later. Around the world there are millions of people who are older. They aren’t playing Fortnite. They are most likely employed and have more money than they did when they were younger and just started playing World of Warcraft. They quit the game.

Now Blizzard is releasing Classic WoW and includes it in the $15 subscription so those millions of folks return to the game. Hell maybe, just maybe, Blizzard will release subscription numbers ago.

And lastly. If you look at some of the Classic Reddit, you’ll see people mention private servers. apparently the private servers have a large Chinese population.

Classic is going to rock Activision Blizzard. So in order to get as many people into the game as possible they give you exactly what you are use to.

How much was World of Warcraft when you started playing? $15.

How much is it now to come back and play Classic? That same familiar $15.


I’m sure this has been covered, but I thought I would chime in. $15/month isn’t that high of a cost compared to the cost for most forms of entertainment.

Let’s say you play two hours five days a week. There are 52 weeks in a year. Over the course of a year, you’ve played 520 hours. The subscription, without buying either a three or six month subscription, is $14.99 for 30 days of unlimited play time (excluding maintenance, acts of gods, blah blah). That’s roughly equal to 12.17 payments of $14.99 (not counting a leap year). 12.17*$14.99= $182.43 (barring any local taxes or fees, as appropriate).

So, for every hour that you played, you paid, essentially $0.35 before any applicable taxes. This is excluding maintenance, sunk costs [power, computer + peripherals, internet access], or any opportunity costs
 It would be 
 challenging for most people to find an enjoyable activity for anywhere near this cost. Some people play drastically more further driving down the cost

Or you could spend travel expenditures and hundreds of dollars for an activity that may last three hours. It’s up to you. Generally, however, WoW is a fairly cheap hobby (provided, again, you will have a computer regardless, power regardless, an internet connection regardless, and you do not purchase services or gold in-game).:sunglasses:


You do know that Classic is linked to a WoW subscription. Doesn’t matter which one you have, even if it’s the original one. So clearly, you are simply a trolling sociopath.

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If you have never played WoW and want to play Classic then you should incure the $15 subscription price, just like all the rest of us who started back then.

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If 15 dollars a month makes that big of a difference in your life then you have bigger issues than a subscription cost.


Because I like doing PvP.

$15 a month is literal pocket change.

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heh what did you expect? it to be free ?

honestly , it is stupid to expect that.


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and it probably is a fine game for the price tag of free. with the sub you get blizzard quality and no more fear your characters will be erased when the server gets hit with a cease and desist .

not to mention the actual numbers and mechanics and proc rates / ect will be what they really are meant to be.


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naw i caught it. im just expanding on what i said before.

Servers, internet, and electricity aren’t free, so neither is your game.

Soo people are annoyed because they have to pay money? well it is the gaming industry not much is free im afraid.

So you’re saying you are too poor to afford WoW. kk got it, bye.

Also it’s $15 a month for TWO games, not one. classic and retail. . . .

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They are coupling the Classic sub with the Current WoW to ensure the sub numbers go back up, its an investor pleasing move.

But the brightside is, the overwhelming support for Classic will show Blizzard how far they have fallen and that we want more of the original style philosophy and design.

That being said, you don’t want to pay 15 bucks, good luck man, that’s like 3 coffees or a lunch in Australia, I am going to gladly pay it to experience Classic again.

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Words of advice: don’t worry about what others spend their money on. It’s none of your concern. Anyways, You claim that you don’t play.l and don’t plan on playing. So I guess my question to you is: Why come here and whine about it then?

Moaning about 15 dollars a month, really? I can find that much in the couch cushions.

I know. That fifty cents a day is totally going to destroy my budget. I don’t know how I’m going to survive. I might have to work a couple minutes of overtime so my kids don’t starve.

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