1440p gaming GPU

i just ordered my first 1440p monitor, super keen to test it out in WoW, i currently have a 3060, i like to play the game on medium/high graphics. is it worth upgrading to a 3070 as its a 45% upgrade from a 3060 for 1440p gaming or will a gpu upgrade not really affect wow?

I play with a 970ti. You don’t need all that to play this game.


You’ll probably be just fine with what you have. WoW is also more CPU reliant than other games, unless they’ve changed that with recent engine changes. I’d just check it out when you get the monitor and see how it goes. If it’s not up to par, you can always look into getting an upgrade, but I wouldn’t bother before then, as it may be jumping the gun.


3060ti is more than enough to play max settings.


Agree with others, I think a 3060 will probably handle 2560x1440 @ 60hz with high settings just fine.


The 3060 should be fine for WoW. WoW isn’t exactly a graphically intensive game.

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I run a 3060 with a dual monitor up running youtube and 3 different browsers, etc while playing wow on max settings. Smooth as butter.


For WoW? eh.

But it’s not a bad upgrade if you want it just for you.

That’s overkill actually lol… Unless you care about the new RTX feature… otherwise, 1080ti could easily max this game…


I’m still running a i5-2500k and a 1660ti on 1440p getting 100-144 fps, you’ll be fine.

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I have a 3080. I get 500 fps in old content solo raids. Around 200 in major cities. I think these new cards are more than what we need for WoW

Another thing to note is that the upscale g feature in wow is pretty decent, so you can run wow at 66% resolution and upscale to 1440p

I use this to upscale from 1440 to 4k on a 3080, since it causes problems with video on extra monitors.

hell, i’m still playing on my 11yr old baby that uses a 750 Ti.


The thing about wow is it is heavily dependent on CPU over GPU.

I remember once during MoP I upgraded my GPU and still had to turn some things down because it was my CPU that was causing issues.

First thing that should go whenever you are capping your Frames in wow is shadows. It gives the biggest one setting hit to your fps. Not that frames matter to much in wow, but having a solid frame rate that doesn’t deviate is a huge boon to smoothness of your gameplay.

1440p isn’t to hard to run and while I think it would definitely help you a little upgrading your GPU I do not think you would see that much of a performance boost as compared to your current gpu.
What you could do is set up your monitor. Tweak to the best performance you can get out of it and then order the GPU you are thinking about getting and just try it and if it doesn’t give you a boost then return it. Probably the only true way to find out.

I was running 1440p in wow as I play some shooters as well, but I recently got myself a 4k monitor for wow and use my 1440p for anything where frames are what you want.
I can tell you at 4k even in wow you do see a hit.
On a 3090ti and a 12900k I was capping the 165 hz on my monitor at 1440p and I had the resolution setting such that I was basically pushing past 4k.
After putting the game on a 4k I can lock in at 160 hz, but I can’t really go past on the slider for a higher resolution than what I have.

If that’s the case, why can’t my 3080 play max settings (and stay above 60fps) at 1440p?

Wow is very CPU dependent.


That’s up to you, a 3070 just off of a glance is $580… and 45% is nice, but I personally wouldn’t do it. I also run a 2070 Super with high settings 165 fps but not 1440p anymore, back to 1080p.

Short answer? No, I wouldn’t do it. $580 for a mediocre upgrade isn’t worth it. My opinion.

Heck yes you should. Why update and spend that money on a monitor and not upgrade the card to really get the most from that monitor?

Yes you can run WoW on old cards and people with just older cards will always tell you “it runs just fine”. When I went from a 3060 to a 3090 it was jaw dropping more beautiful and more vibrant.

You absolutely, if put side by side, can tell a difference. Again, if you can afford it do it.

A better GPU doesn’t suddenly make the game look better if your settings are identical. Stop selling snake oil.


The settings aren’t the same. You think a 10 setting on a 3060 looks the same as a 10 setting on a 3090? I mean, that’s just silly.