Class Tuning Incoming -- November 22

Is this reduce damage on aoe going on because our damage numbers are getting to big again?

Since you said that big numbers causes server issues. So are you putting a lower damage cap because of server issues?

One of the funnest things to do for me is gather as many mobs as possible (in lower content) and blap them instantly. I hate DR as a hit is a hit and should strike for true value damage, the only RNG should be if it hit so a reduction in the CHANCE to hit fine but not hitting 20 dude for 1dmg or less.

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I love how bipolar Blizzard is with player AOE.


Yep nerfs on everything…

To make Draks appear more desirable.

This is why i never ever pre order. They lose tons of aoe at 61 and already struggle with ST now let alone at 70 yes i know st gets a little better at 70 but not alot. (orb is also a st nerf)

I like the game but i don’t want to struggle for 2 months hoping blizzard fixes what they broke with frost mage 2 weeks before release again like shadowlands. I dont like the other two specs and thats not a good excuse to not balance a spec anyway.

Never know still 2 weeks and this isnt like shadowlands beta where there was 1 patch a week so still time for blizz to balance, this is literally the first time Frost has been touched. So personally im still holding out buying the game.

While its annoying basically been in a hold all beta waiting to see anything for frost mage knowing they will wait till the last second like always to even touch it.
So nothings really changed for me. I learned my lesson in shadowlands release with frost mage not gonna get burnt again by blizzard.

Also when are you going to cap the rest of the classes or are you just gonna leave the rest of them like in shadowlands? Cause that worked super well /s


Added to the OP:


  • Resonant Fists now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.

why though?


This was warranted, but at least buff their 2t, they are mediocre at their only niche.

(perhaps revert the splitting ice nerf you did in SL)


Just the beginning this wont stop until the end of the expansion where it will start all over. Not saying its good or bad just its something they can’t seem to figure out and stablize


give a real buff to affliction warlocks, its a dead spec!


Still not enough.

I get you thought we were too OP after the talent trees were implemented, but Aff Locks are nuts right now and you’re buffing them.

Your logic is illogical.


any chance to get < Inescapable Torment - Spell - World of Warcraft (> to do reduced damage beyond 5 targets, cause it currently does zero.

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How about… no?

No one liked that change and should be removed. Not added upon.

This is just dracthyr nerfs isn’t it?

As fun as the class is. It is underpreforming single target. And nerfing it’s aoe damage is the solution?

Very uncool.


Yall can’t have unholy be good for more than 10 minutes huh lmfao

Also, why are you expanding on the AoE cap. Well, it’s not really a cap, it’s scaling. Why would you hit feral first?


Should check out the worgen tails thread with 11k posts. Maybe consider telling the devs to work on it. Instead of just a lame joke about it.

So Paladins are perfect? I haven’t seen or heard of any Pally tuning since the talent tree dropped.
Can Paladins please get some tuning?


Everyone disliked that


Perhaps I am misremembering. But isn’t affliction the top preforming spec right now? Even as a warlock I am unsure why it’s getting buffed. Especially while underpreforming specs are getting aoe nerfs.

Why would I say this against my own self interest? Well affl is my least fav lock spec and also cuz the stronger we get the stronger the inevitable nerfhammer.


It would be nice if for once in our lives feral was allowed to be better than balance. Sometimes I think blizzard regrets making feral and wishes they could just remove it.


The dev’s are seriously bi-polar when it comes to aoe.