135F average temp

I love fiction!

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agreed, but in this case i meant specifically their ESG rules with respect to ERISA fiduciary prudence

edit: okay i’m logging off that’s enough internet for one night lol

That’s a provider issue imo not a corpo one. Have a good night.

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You are correct on nuclear.
Still don’t see why you are trying to convince me that I don’t know what a shareholder is though.

A shareholder owns a stock or interest in a publicly traded company.

Are you just trying to insult my intelligence or do you have a point with that line of reasoning?

Or covid casualties. Ignoring that even just 1 percent of earths population is a lot of freaking people

Yeah, my point is that you were talking ill of shareholders and I’m trying to point out that half the country or more owns shares in something. So this constant talk about punishing shareholders or “think of the shareholders” is actually really cringe.

Would anyone in Arizona even notice the difference?

No, I imagine they will all be dead.

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i think they were referring to institutional shareholders, not Joe IRA who indirectly owns 17.23167 shares of AT&T through his target date fund without knowing it

Probably shouldn’t get involved in blind trusts then.
The, “I didn’t know they were doing that” excuse is just as cringe.

Very hot!


Another hoax for sure.

They may have been, but that’s still flawed because retail investors can’t just be ignored in aggregate.

True, some large blue chips and mega caps have high institutional ownership, but out of the 5000+ listed stocks a large majority of them do not.

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blind trusts aren’t relevant here. there’s little to no transparency on a lot of these modern funds. you don’t get a prospectus that says “we’ll invest 30% of your assets in Activision Blizzard” or whatever. i agree with your greater point but it’s more subtle than just “everyone should know what every penny they have is doing at all times”

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None of what I mentioned were blind trusts. I was talking about a simple IRA or 401k, by your definition, those people are financing those companies by buying and holding shares. They aren’t doing anything inherently wrong.

Thats already happening now lol

the problem is social security is a scam and robs people giving money to losers who do not take responsibility and save for retirement.

I personally subscribe to the theory that we’ve been belching massive amounts of crap into the atmosphere for a century and that cannot be a good thing with zero consequences.


Climate change aside, the amount of people that die from pollution is staggering. Factor in energy generation too and you’re talking about millions of people a year.

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For now…

My brother is an Electrical Engineer. Mostly doing commercial/utility power stuff. People take the power grid for granted here in the US. It isn’t too far fetched to game out a scenario where the SW US could be without power for a couple of weeks during a heat wave. Which is would be… bad… :frowning: