135F average temp

Can you show me where I was challenged about my stating that I love the desert, by anyone other than you? I came into the thread, and said desert living isn’t for everyone, and that I personally love it. I believe I said it once in my original post, not twice, and it wasn’t in defense of anything that either me, or anyone else stated.

You seem to be hung up on something I’m missing.

Just that there was an expectation (ENCOURAGEMENT from my chair) for you to expand on why you like it. That’s normal conversation to me.

You just seem to have woken up and chosen violence.

Not my problem.

I worked in Phoenix for 4 years. The strangest thing to me was the first monsoon every season, since for the first hour or so it wasn’t so much “rain” as “giant drops of mud falling from the sky” as the dust dome above the city got cleaned out.

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Relax. I did not attack you, unless you consider being asked for clarification a personal attack. If you took offense, I apologize. I’d prefer to consider it a misunderstanding between two people on a forum that’s hosted by of all things, a video game.

That seems to be all we have here.

Seriously, all I wanted/expected was to hear 1-2 things about what you love about the desert.

This is how I learn. I don’t like the desert. So to hear from someone that really does like it, it opens a channel of understanding to read/hear a point of view that’s different from your own.


One of the greatest misnomers EVER. But yes, higher than normal humidity, and chances of showers and microbursts.

But then Winters here are gorgeous, the weather is perfect for riding…but then we get the “snow birds”. I guess nowhere is perfect.

/Raises glass in a toast.

My mom enjoyed visiting in the winter. :laughing:

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All that you needed to do was ask. No harm, no foul.

And as the saying goes, we notice Fall, as the license plates begin to change!

We lived 8 years in the high desert of southern Idaho. No. Thank. You. Screaming 40-60mph winds and 20 degree temps. Deadly ice fog that’d lay black ice all along I-84. Arizona winters play way nicer.

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In my mind, I did! lol

Like you said, just a misunderstanding. I’ll buy first round. :wink:

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That they do! I got stuck on I-84 ten years ago. Not fun. Not fun for anyone.

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Your Tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker!


Not a problem…and we all know why.

I thought they smelled bad on the outside!

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Those markers were serious business. The cell towers were too. You knew how far you were between Boise and Twin Falls by how many cell towers you counted.

Change the 20 degree temps to wind chills of -20 on occasion and you have SE Kansas. Luckily the arctic trough didn’t happen very often, but it did more than once over the last couple winters. I don’t know if Texas is completely over it yet or not with their infrastructure hit.

I moved 350 miles south of there not long ago, and while the summer heat in central Arkansas is similar, the winters are warmer from what I’ve seen and heard.

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Ah yes. Also true for Chicago - where I grew up. Now dwelling in the midwest again and cannot for the life of me wrap my head around my being back here. It’s nice though. Every single place has it’s challenges. One place I will never want to live for the weather heck they get: Des Moines Iowa. They get just about every wallop every season has to offer!

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Lol the main place contributing to it is a communist country called China.

Then it’s us capitalist pigs.

Get it right.

Ugh reminding me my mom and dad visited last month and my dad started talking flat earth crap and I was like you gotta be kidding…

Told my mom that it’s a bunch of cult nonsense and how can anyone fall for what’s easily disproven…

Then she say “yeah I thought so to til I read the bible more…”

Never have I felt a sinking nausea at hearing my own parents forsaken intelligence because they take “four corners of the earth” passage in the Bible as literal corners…

Had a nightmare that night too… Not sure how their choice to believe that makes me feel deeply ashamed…

Ugh… First my uncle then somehow they pull my parents into this crap. I hate the flatarded nonsense. Nothing brings a more annoying migraine then trying to talk to one to get them to see facts.

Nope they just make up nonsense terms to act like they know what they are saying when they know so little about it all.

My mom is in her 80’s, now, and it’s been interesting watching her go from “we need to go to church every Sunday” when I was a kid to “what a bunch of crap” nowadays.