13 year player first time keybinder/macro

I know I know I’m a filthy clicker, it got me by ok but I want to learn to bind and macro, holy priest unfortunately seems to have an abundance of spells and is due to get more… So I’m looking to compact if possible.

Is a macro that does the following possible and if not where does it go wrong?
Be mouse over (I’m trying to learn that too)
Contains two spells in one macro (e.g. renew and smite - healing and damage)

If I’m targeting a bad guy it goes smite if I’m targeting a good guy it goes renew.

Bonus points for advising me if a focus target can be incorporated and if it would do anything if it was?

Also… is SPEC specific key binds a thing? I can only see class specific or account wide.

P.S I have no idea how to really write this macro lol.

Thanks :smiley:

Before I get started on the macro side, as a clicker, you may be more comfortable transitioning to click-casting using an addon like Clique of VuhDo. Where you mouse over the person you want to heal then press a mouse button on their frame to cast spells at them. This would also free up your keybindings for cooldowns and dps spells.

On to the macro side of things.

@focus can be incorporated into it but due to the help/harm nature of the macro you’ll need to do it with a modifier (ctrl/shift/alt) if you want it to be useful. So I’ll need to know which key you’d like to use for that before I start writing code.

spec is a valid macro condition so you can have it perform different spells for each spec assuming you can fit it all within the 255 character limit (or if you use an addon to extend that limit).

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Hallo again, i still can’t seem to find a way to make this work if you happen to know? :slight_smile:

#showtooltip Flash Heal
/cast [help] !Flash Heal; [harm] !Smite

How do i make it so that it will do the above but also work as a mouse over in one macro? - also if nobody is targeted or moused over, will it cast flash heal on me?

is it just like this?
#showtooltip Flash Heal
/cast @ mouseover [help] !Flash Heal; [harm] !Smite


I found an online solution:

#showtooltip Flash Heal
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Flash Heal; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Smite; Flash Heal

I don’t understand why i need to put flash heal right at the end though, is it serving a purpose?

I think it has the second flash heal at the end so it will cast on yourself if you have no target.

You could get the same effect by rearranging it.

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm] Smite; [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Flash Heal

Very much. It’s so you can cast heals on your targets and yourself (with Interface > Combat > auto self cast enabled). I quoted the exact correct solution in my original post:

/cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] Flash Heal; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Smite; Flash Heal

No you can’t. That will break mouseover being priority and you’ll no longer be able to heal via mouseover while having an enemy targeted.

Thank you :slight_smile: