13 BGs played ZERO won

That’s it for me I AM DONE WITH THIS CARP…soon if not sooner than when my SUB ends.

The disappointment is palpable turning into full on rage contempt towards Blizzards CEO.


Just to be clear though…You’re done with your fish? Can i have the rest


ur insig waz yummie


Regular BGs? No way horde loses that many epic BGs in a row.

he is just tired of losing. this is why he rage quit. most people hate premades.


2 days in a row I just logged off because the Oceanic pvp guilds are 10maning reg bgs. Ive beaten obvious pre-mades, but it is super rare.

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I only do bgs and understand the frustration. I have days where i feel like i just cant win. If i could offer a suggestion, just do one regular bg and one epic bg every day. Win or lose doesnt matter, just do one of each a day and do other stuff after that. Or log off. It will keep your stress level down alot if you only do battlegrounds


Quit being dense. It’s obvious the DK is done with the fish

Yummy <3 <3


the issue is that the burst damage is too high, people die way too fast. its an issue in rated pvp but also random bgs and wpvp where numbers can determine an outcome before it begins. Skill is almost irrelevant unless your playing against people leagues below your skill level or they are practically afk.

this is killing the game and pvp as a whole as no one enjoy partaking in activities where you dont just lose, you lose like you never have a chance and are stomped for the most part. games are insanely lopsided due to personal skill and expression being obsolete because people are doing 20-30% of hp bars (yes with full gear) in a global. All a healer does is prolong the experience unless they are decimated or overwhelmed. this is problematic and needs addressed. BGs are a disgrace and just a miserable slog that usually snowballs into one direction or another due to who mobs and blows their load with cooldowns first and the hardest.

back and forth is gone, the game feels like im playing a round of CoD.


I’ve lost 7 epics in a row just trying to complete quests. At least 5 were premades. One other one most likely a premade. And one back and forth game. So I can imagine losing more than that.

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Do you say this exact thing on every different thread?


Can you blame them for copy paste?
Most of the sharp forum posters have left long ago due to what is happening here.
What’s the point of spending time typing our opinions when they may just poof in the morning.


Well now I’m sad

Sorry about that

What time of day are you playing? I have never had that bad of a loss streak on horde side, but i have experienced it on alliance side in previous xpacs (and no horde cared). So… i’m guessing you’re playing during those odd hours when alliance dominate - because they don’t always do so during prime time.

People rarely answer clearly, but i am curious about time of day. Because there is this one community that essentially only rolls pugs and plays at odd hours. They basically kill the queues because no one wants to queue up on the other side after a while.

It’s sad because there are nice people in most every community, there are good BG leaders, and i get that people want their conquest, but to have multiple groups that just roll pugs over and over - I don’t get how that’s ‘fun’ after a bit. It removes any enjoyment of strategy or competitiveness because there is none.

And it’s strange how simply saying this is taken as an ‘attack.’ When all it is is the truth.

So these multi-group folks rolling pugs over and over, go ahead and do it, i guess, since blizz isn’t doing anything about it. And folks who want your conquest, I get that you’re sometimes practically required to join communities in order to get conquest in a timely manner. But do try to give a little thought to the long term impact on the health of the game resulting from ‘the way things are’ in epic BGs these days.

Maybe in the end it’ll be queue times that determine how eager people actually are to sync groups continuously vs. revolving doors of pugs.


Most of them were around 4-6 pm est on weekdays.

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The solo queue RBGs have been a nice change of pace. Win or lose 4 a week cap my conquest. They often feel more possible to win as having the enemy team be a premade is less likely.


Interesting. So that’s pre- prime time… I don’t play then so i’m unfamiliar with the demographic. Horde is generally competitive during prime time - the hours after you were playing - but there’s still some luck involved because blizz doesn’t seem to care about matching groups or number of healers and things like that. So if you can try playing some eBGs during prime time that’s what i’d suggest.

I think cross faction BGs (and group matching) would help even out the fun and wins for everyone, and time of day wouldn’t even have to be a factor.