13/15 Vanilla Naxx Experienced MT LFG [H][PVP][CST][SEMIHARDCORE]

I have long unfinished business with vanilla. I MTed for a guild on the Eredar server from Molten Core all the way through Naxxramas. Unfortunately we couldn’t get the geared tanks to complete 4H before TBC. I didn’t stick around for TBC. I came back for Cataclysm and led a guild through the content there and then dabbled a little bit in Warlords. That was the last time I played.

I get all resistance gear promptly, I bring my consumables, and only miss a raid to go on vacation with much advanced notice. I expect the same from the raid group. I had a LOT of time back then; I don’t now. So the time I do spend I would like to get a lot out of it in terms of progression.

See below list of logistical requirements:

**Faction: Horde
**Time zone: CST
**Raid days/week: <=3
**Day availability: M/T/W/TH
**Hour availability: 3-5 hours a day. Those hours can fall anywhere between 6-11 for raids. I likely will be on outside of those times, but at my discretion. Of course if we are on C’Thun or something and wipe at 3% times can flex.

I strongly prefer an older age crowd to avoid drama, but I understand young people aren’t a monolith and some can be mature/do well (like me back then). I don’t necessarily care if y’all came from a private server and have a ton of XP, but I do care that the group I become part of comes with ambition, dedication, intelligence, and a desire to progress.

About me:

I am a married dude with a kid and a 9-5er salary gig in retail. I am Into a variety of things whether that is working on my classic car, playing strategy board games, doing some sort of programming, or teaching my kid new things. Unfortunately I grew up in red neck North California so I curse a fair bit; but in a non aggressive manner if that makes any sense. It just happens as part of the every day vernacular. I derive satisfaction from helping others; thus why I like to tank. I am not particularly interested in PvP, but have been known to jump into a BG or world PvP from time to time.

The day classic releases I will be hitting it hard (after work of course) to get leveled and get gear. If anyone has a guild fitting the above that also needs a rock solid and experienced MT, I would love to hear from you!


Hey there, looking at your post I think you could fit in really well with our group. Heres a link to our recruitment post, and I’d love to start talking to you and getting to know, maybe tomorrow afternoon when you get home from work?

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Contact me on Discord


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Been looking and can’t find you. If not there xNighthammerx on twitter.

Also hello o/ Founder of OMG here :slight_smile:

Messaged y’all.