Did TBC pvp season just end?

Glad and R1 titles, but whatever you say <3 you must not pvp or care, however I’m not going to waste my time replying you anymore lmao


Likely story… much like the “accidental” wotlk release banner that was posted then pulled within minutes.


this is good content i have to admit, but at the same time i better get points tomorrow frens

No one cares about pvp I’m ready to do Naxx again!!

bro thats just not the case…

Our fix for the bug has been tested and deployed. The season has just resumed.

Have a good night!


Season 4.5 lets go

Thanks Kaivax :heart_eyes:

account to account transfer

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Announce Pre Patch


ill be damned. thanks Kaivax. :slight_smile:

real end of season when though?


Can we know when it will end??

Is anything going to be done for the folks that couldn’t get 10 games in with their teammates b/c it was down for an hour+? I was 3 games away on my 5s and the arena team leader, and anyone that can invite, all went to bed.

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I won my last game past the 1am season end, and the rollback did not restore the points from this game. Please fix!

https :// imgur . com / obm3t2n

Nothing will be done about that ofc

You havent left your computer since classic launched have you

on retail season is ending today so they likely just hit the switch for both games. Hard to pay attention for them it seems.

Still screwed plenty of people over for the night / week.

There is no fix for that.


What would you have them do? Be realistic now