12/12M Shadow Priest LF Guild for SL

Hey y’all!

Shadow priest LF a guild for SL. Have been raiding primarily as disc with a few bosses flex on shadow but with the total shadow rework I’m looking to go full DPS for SL.

12/12M [US 156] Ny’alotha
8/8M [US 158] Palace
6/9M BoD
2/8M Uldir

  • Varying degrees of mythic/heroic raiding throughout the years

My experience the past few months: Around the exact time I got CE COVID rocked my job and my schedule and responsibilities got insane. I also had to move. Due to this I took a couple month break, and when I got back really didn’t have time outside of playing casually with some real life friends, hence my recent logs are poor, but mine from when we actually progressed pre-nerf aren’t bad at all.

I played as a flex disc/shadow throughout the xpac however the shadow rework is so fun I plan on solely playing it, I kinda want to take a break from healing.

So a little about me. I’m a soon to be 30 year old professional primarily looking to play with people around the same stage of life. I’m really looking for a very stable guild, preferably has been together a while, and has a friendly non-toxic atmosphere. I like to think I have a good sense of humor, but I’m not really about racist jokes and the like, so if discord is filled with n-bombs and conspiracy theories I play WoW to escape from that stuff. I’m very committed to progression and not only do I show up for raid I also do anything outside of raid to properly gear and optimize my class. I know what it is like to progress, and more specifically I know what it is like to progress is a fun and friendly environment.

What you will get

  • Someone who keeps up to date with the optimal way to play my class (I’ll be honest, I’m terrible at math so I’m not the one doing the theorycrafting)
  • Reliable. I can honestly say I will have at least 95% and above raid attendance. The times in this post are times that are near 100% locked in to be free, I don’t chance it with that.
  • Fun, friendly, non-toxic. I really just like playing the game with chill people, I truly don’t care about loot, the only thing I take really seriously in this game is optimizing how I play my character and getting CE as a team each tier. You also won’t hear me raging if we don’t.
  • COVID cancelled two of my vacations so I have a boatload of PTO saved up and plan on taking at least the first 4 days of the SL expansion off

Availability: Really not a lot of room on this schedule

Monday: 9:30 PM-12:30 AM EST
Tuesday: 9:30 PM-12:30 AM EST
Wednesday: 9:30 PM-12:30 AM EST
Thursday: 9:30 PM-12:30 AM EST
Friday: 12:00 AM-3:00 AM EST
Saturday: 12:00 AM-3:00 AM EST
Sunday: 9:30 PM-12:30 AM EST


Bnet: VulcanS#11448

Looking forward to hearing from y’all

Edit: Due to how specific my times are, I will transfer to any server and will faction change if the fit is right.

Heres a link to our recruitment for

Thanks for reaching out Aeverite, I’m actually not available until midnight EST on Fri/Sat though.