We are an AOTC Guild that has raided every week for over 3 years now .Currently 12/12 Heroic. We are a group of mature and solid raiders. We age range from 20s,30s,40s . We raid every week,run keys together, arenas , island expeditions and visions together. This is a 12 year old guild that is Active. Raid days are Tues, Wed, and Friday. We have this new raid on farm minus a few of our raiders learning the mechanics of last boss. This a pretty “chill” group of friends and good players. We are LF a TANK that can DPS or HEAL , Healer that can Heal or DPS , and I have room for a couple DPS. You do not have to be the best just be a good player that is striving to improve . Also have a good attitude and good attendance. We form up at 5:45 Pm Pst (that is 8:45 Pm Est) .First pull is at 6 Pm . Best way to contact me is thru Discord = Horse#5014 or Battle net = Retharla#1685 . Horse GM of Braveheart US Silvermoon / US Mok’Nathal . If you can not afford to I will pay for the server transfer /faction change for someone whom is a “good fit” .