12/12 H 472ilvl Alliance DK Lf Mythic Raiding Guild

Name: Marrkov
Main Class: Death Knight
Spec: All - DPS pref


Since Legion, I have been raiding, getting AoTC/CE by pugging content. However, I want to join a guild now to progress through more difficult content like mythic raids, M15+ keys, and whatever Shadowlands brings.

I’m the type of player looking to push my class to its maximum potential when it comes to playstyle. Big things aside like BIS and maximizing damage output, I look for the small things like managing Festermight stacks and using DK abilities in creative ways (I.E death grip to interrupt a cast if kick is on CD) .

I understand that in a raid, it’s not about who has the biggest numbers but instead it’s about if the group can come together to execute mechanics. Because of that, things like soaking (i.e KJ/Ra-Den), or ad killing (hive mind/carapace) are not an issue for me at all.

Server transfer is not an issue.

Current Progression

Been 12/12 H since April, then took a break because of a lack of mythic raiding options on my server.

Favorite Encounter: My favorite BFA encounters have been Ghuun, Nzoth, and Carapace because they’re fast paced, challenging, and offer a wide array mechanics to deal with.

Least Favorite Encounters: Skit, Maut, Inq - they’re just slow, boring, and not much going on.

Most Rewarding Thing for Me in Game: Completion of difficult challenges/bosses.

Most Frustrating Thing: Playing with people who don’t take time seriously, don’t understand mechanics, or don’t care that much how they’re performing.

Other Stuff

Do I click anything?: Yes - I’m pretty macrod/keybinded out for both raiding and 3s arenas. The only button I click is for a death and decay cast on self macro.
Computer: I’ve invested over $2k into building out a sick a gaming laptop. To give an idea, I can comfortably raid in a 25 man group with graphics on ultra.

Attendance: I work from home and run my own business so am flexible with schedule.


Bartender & Weak Auras for my raiding set up.


I worked this week on getting my first set of logs. However, I guess they didn’t save. Will be getting them uploaded soon.

Raider IO: raider .io/characters/us/turalyon/Marrkov

Armory: worldofwarcraft .com/en-us/character/us/turalyon/marrkov

Hey! Would love to chat… CE guild on ZJ. Send me a message Lights#1446

Hi! I’m the GM of Cupcake Squad (alliance) on Proudmoore. We might be a good fit :slight_smile: Most of us have raided since BC/Vanilla, and now we’re at the point where we love progression, but stick to a less demanding raid schedule. Our guild is more of a family than anything else, and we’re always willing to lend a hand.

Our plan for Shadowlands is to get AoTC early each tier (which is what we have done every tier since Legion) and then progress into Mythic raiding, aiming for CE at a more leisurely pace while still remaining progressive. We also do guild achievement runs each tier, and regular M+'s.

Our progression raids are Tues/Thurs from 8:00 PM until 11:00 PM, and we have fun runs/alt raids on Sundays from 8:00 PM until 11:00 PM

If you have any questions, or would like to get to know us better, please feel free to message my real id: Trini#1551

Good luck in your guild search!

Hey there, we may be a good fit. Good luck in Shadowlands.