120s in 110-119 bracket

its math not an opinion. you’re useless vs anyone in the bracket except other lazy players.

this is what a twink looks like in 119. he has anniversary gear and is getting xp if hes in bg’s. he destroys syncd 120’s im sure. mine did.

The Problem is, Blizz took care of the twinks vs levelers issue by forcing them to xp off or level out but they didn’t put a limiter on How many 120’s can queue per 111-119 per battleground. I would assume based on the popularity of 120 level sync parties throughout the Battleground brackets making each team mirror each other as far as 120’s per team goes shouldn’t be to hard. If they have an algorithm for healers, dps, tanks etc… why not level syncs?

If this issue carries over to SL, I hate to say it but the xpac wont last much outside of the initial leveling experience/lore. BfA fell pretty hard when they eliminated twink participation, No doubt with the minimizing on importance to PvE to PvP in SL I would say a Broken Battleground system will continue the decline in the player base if continued into yet another expansion.

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With the brackets being much larger now due to SL squish, sync will have a definite advantage via late spells and abilities.
That being said, gearing options are increased and they really promote gearing up at lower levels. Why are players/characters separated at this point?
With sync teams being present we will have to gear up even more accordingly imo.

Spells and abilities are limited to the bracket that the sync player is participating in, thats not the issue. From my experience the issue lies in the gear difference between a typical x6-x9 player and a level synced player who is given the equivalent of full Optimal blues for the level cap of the bracket (Example: item level 285 @ level 119). If a player is leveling through dungeons, quests and battle grounds, odds are they are in sub par gear as they are not guaranteed a piece of gear from every quest, dungeon or Battle Ground completion. To present such a balance disparity on gear alone simply because they have level synced into a bracket brings an even greater sense of imbalance onto the already class/skill balancing issues that existed prior to the implication/introduction of the level sync system.

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Yep currently the 120s can do no wrong below in lower brackets. :rofl:
XPoff and XPon was separated, healer cap was removed and with it incorrect matchmaking. If this is what will continue to be promoted, maybe it is time to just open everything up.
SL gearing options look bigger and more accessible than ever.

333 that’s nothing

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full optimal Boas. blues would be higher. like at 119. 285 is the normal drops level, just like BoAs but during timewalking dungeons drop 300 for a 119.

its ok to not know how something works. admit you’re wrong and move on. anyone else notice its never players with arena rating or high honor level complaining about partysync? do they not level toons via pvp too?

stop pvp leveling unless you prepare for it.

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I Looked it up and the item level changed from 273 at 119 to 286-290. My information was old, thanks for the correction. Even with the corrected numbers my point remains valid, how many levelers will be at 285 item level come 119? Is the new meta for leveling battlegrounds gearing to compete with party syncs?

Level sync in the leveling battlegrounds is very counter productive as a whole when taking exp an hour into account. YES the team that wins more will gain more experience thus level quicker but the 120* synced players are getting “0” exp and are taking spots from a leveling player, reducing the overall exp gain per hour per bg as a whole, not to mention most of the party sync premades turn into GY farm fests until time expires… On top of that most party sync pre-mades are a single character, level appropriate for the bracket then the other 4 players in the party are synced and the sole purpose for such a group is to steam roll levelers. If I am not mistaken the imbalance of using top gear (Twinks) brought to the leveling battlegrounds was the exact reason “Twinks” were given the option to level out or compete in xp off Battlegrounds only. I am not seeing the reason for allowing the level sync system into leveling battlegrounds. If gaining no experience while in a leveling battleground is OK in Blizzards eyes then why have separate battle grounds for xpon and xpoff…

they aren’t twinks and they dont have top gear. players pvp leveling without any effort on their gear is the problem, not a player with a TEMPLATE. if a player doesn’t have their hoa and 3 azerite pieces by 111 they deserve to lose.
effort=win at every level.

what kind of effort are we talking here? quest rewards and dungeon drops as they progress aren’t enough? or are you suggesting that the leveling players farm* gear specifically so they can “compete” in content they are going to level out of? Helm, shoulder and chest plus the HoA aren’t enough to put a player on equal footing with the “TEMPLATE” participants. You are not being clear on what level of effort you are suggesting a leveling player to put forth that will permit them to compete with a template level sync player.

This is called World of Warcraft, where we use every advantage Azeroth provides us.
The way it has always been.

Is there a problem with this all of a sudden?

ps. My levelers drop Sync players faster than they can drop me.

120s aren’t even close to being twinks. Their template is 100 item levels UNDER a twink. Not to mention they can’t use enchants or gems.

Blizzard removed that option by separating the xp groups. you cant grind out solid gear to compete in any bracket without the chance of leveling into another bracket and having to start all over again.

My gear with Experience on is just as effective as Experience off. Facts.

I agree that the level sync templates are not on par with BiS twinks but to the average leveler that doesn’t get over 50k health by the end of their time in the 119 bracket, the level syncs might as well be twinks as they do not stand a chance. talking about the top 5% of any pvp bracket does not apply to the average player so Bringing up my “x” beat their “y” and I was in the mostly toilet gear, a viable argument to plead gear not mattering.

Another gem of misinformation.
Good try, come again.

glad you asked!

the 3 azerite pieces and hoa will get a boosted 110 to about 230 i think. try it on a class trial. you have 3 hours to play it if you turn off your xp. for the last hour turn xp back on and pvp.the neck quest is about 15 mins and you get a piece of azerite gear as well. if you know the correct quest chains or silver elite mobs to kill you can pick up azerite pieces for the other 2 slots. if you’re 230ilevel at 110 you’re going to be just fine up to 120.

shall we talk consumables and engineering next?

230 ilvl vs 285 ilvl. Just fine by what standard?

blizzard. thats about the same at 120 yes?