120Hz 1080P VS 60Hz 4K

I’ve had both. Definitely prefer the higher refresh rate. You could try to go for 144hz 1440p if you can handle 4k.

Go with 1440p and 120Hz instead of just 1080p. Mine can technically do 120Hz at 4k, but my graphics card doesn’t support HDMI 2.1, so I get stuck with 60Hz if I try to run a game at 4k.

I use 1440p 144htz, never regretted my choice, and I have no desire for 4k. doesn’t seem like it would be that big an upgrade, even though I understand technically it can be.

Why not do 120hz 4k?

Easy peasy.

And here I with only one 1080p60 tv from 2013.

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144hz with 1920x1080 all day over 4k

Buy the 3090ti and you can do both, 4k and 120hz. Win win all around

1080/144 or 1440/144
you can find these panels for cheap these days. 4K is nice, but the only ones I’ve seen that blew me away were the more expensive Dell.

Wow isn’t remotely optimized for 4K you won’t miss out on anything by dropping down in resolution.