120,000 New Death Knight Bots

Its also hilarious how they bragged about banning 120k accounts.

Blizzard, that is F&#King embarrassing. Thats NOT a bragging point. Thats proof you completely neglected your game for 6 months until everyone got gold capped and GDKPs are regularly having gold cap pots.

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The presence of BOTTING accounts has been present since the formation of what we now know as “Retail wow”. Since vanilla, BOT accounts were an issue, and with each expansion became an ever increasing issue. Its the same issue faced with other games, Such as RuneScape; where the use of AH clicker programs and BOT clients is an ever present problem. You mistake the existence of BOTS as the company’s purposeful negligence.

As the reply pointed out, if those boosts were paid with stolen credit cards, Blizzad gets nothing.

When you get an email asking you to click a link to verify your information… DONT CLICK JT.

You may be tempted to click it, but don’t do it!

There may be a “free website” that you want to visit. THAT IS WHAT CELL PHONES ARE FOR! Don’t use your PC.

There may be a fun survey where you can determine what animal you are. Don’t do it. When they ask for your high school mascot they are fishing for your answers to account security questions.

Stop getting hacked! 50% of the problem solved.

And don’t buy gold unless it’s from Blizzard. Buy retail tokens and trade them. The other half of the problem will be gone.

Take some personal responsibility and solve the World… of Warcraft problems.

Blizzard ain’t going to do it for you

They try. They deleted 120k accounts and y’all went out and got hacked again. Now we have 240k more.

Please provide me proof that the basic products and services Blizzard provide to all players, new and active, is an act of exploitation.

The fact that there is a Blue post as well as this forum post and interviews prove otherwise.

this is on top of the accounts they Ban on a regular basis. You are more than welcome to look at other Blue posts and forum posts on this subject.

SMS protect would LITERALLY stop people from buying accounts. If you got banned you’d be done.

It works in other games. You can’t tell me it doesn’t work because it literally works in other games.


Considering i have no frame of reference to what “other games” you are talking about, i cannot confirm or deny there are BOT’s in those games.

Considering this has been quite a topic of debate recently, I’m sure they wanted to make sure the communication of such a large amount of BOTS on top of all the other accounts being banned was made.

Just because it wasn’t done on YOUR time schedule, at the pace YOU wanted, doesn’t mean its an example of “Profit Margin” exploitation or neglect of accounts. While i agree the BOT issue has gotten out of hand, the media attention (YouTube, and Twitch), have increased the toxic accusations, opinions and statements towards the company surrounding this subject. and quite frankly i see more people social media “bandwagoning” on this situation. While the frustrations and anger towards these accounts are very much warranted, i do not think Toxic, unfounded, and false accusations is the right answer.

Um pretty sure Blizzard purposefully neglects their game and does nothing to fix the botting problem.

What were you saying again?

I can’t provide common sense to you sorry.

Gullible shill. It’s all good.


They aren’t paying you, and they will never read you taking up for them. Just saying.

“i cannot provide you proof of my toxic and false accusations, so i will make a sly and snarky remark to compensate for my failure to do so.”

Challenging toxic statements does not call for name-calling or beratement.

That is fine.

The constant patches, bug fixes, hot fixes, PTR testing, Bug testing not to mention the blue posts specifically regarding this issue that they shared proves you incorrect.

Can’t read past the shill.

Sorry you’re a gullible shill, IDK what to tell you.
Taking up for this company and it’s botting problem just makes you look ridiculous.

If you do not think Blizz is in on this, wants their boost money from bots. You are absolutely insane and should take a step back from this game in general so you can find your sanity again.

Just being real with you. Good luck.

EDIT: Don’t even care about the last part. Just good luck to ya.

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Can’t fix crazy.

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TBH I think people are thinking about this wrong. They didn’t say they JUST banned 120k bots, as in recently. It wasn’t like they waited until we got fed up and than started banning. I think 120k was said for the PR, when in reality 120k bans is how many have been banned so far since their last mass banwave. This is why there’s still a mass amount of DK bots, but why bots are now starting to diversify.

again, Name calling and beratement when i have not offended you is unnecessary. I have never said there wasn’t a Botting Problem, in fact i made a statement in an earlier reply to someone else, that i do agree the Botting issue did get out of hand.

Basic services and products that the player base can purchase/fund is not proof of exploitation.

you have not yet provided proof to back up your statements. We call this a “False Accusation”. Your subjective opinions and experiences do not culminate into truth, and since you have yet to provide me any kind of example of Blizzard ACTIVELY exploiting BOT clients and accounts, you resort to name calling and defensive tactics to separate yourself from me and the conversation.

I mean, im hardly the only person here who complained about the bots… you seriously defending blizzard rn?

Gold was down to $10 for 5k gold. Why even bother playing the game with gold that cheap. Everyone is at or near gold cap.

But sure bro, continue to blame streamers and people who just want an even playing field, and not the billion dollar company who waited 6 months to do ANYTHING about a major problem.

Yeah, I’m going to separate myself from this conversation cause you are to far gone. Good luck.


To much credit.

I wonder why they do it in waves and not actively? I bet it has something to do with allowing all the bots to collectively buy new subs, get established, make their gold, transfer that gold. Boom banwave, redo. Blizz prob sends a mass email to all the companies. Banwave coming in 2 days! lol

Unfortunately for Blizz, when they introduced 1 free DK, it took away the money they were making off boosts during the botting in TBC. So, they want that back. Which is super smart business and just part of it at this point.

Blizzard makes profit and artificial numbers via bots, and boost sales.
Bots make profit from gold they farm.

:slight_smile: you’re welcome

The bots are becoming so good that you can almost view PVP as PVE now. You have to CC and pull the cluster of DKs very carefully! There’s always a silver-lining. At least the bots will be different classes now! Making BGs more interesting then getting death gripped everywhere in the middle of the map lol.

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I feel like you have to write it on a chalkboard with rainbow colored chalk for some of these people to understand.

We could even do roleplay sessions.

Simply challenging statements. My comment was, as 100% people are to be upset about the current situation of BOTS, many people, especially on the forums, YouTube and twitch have been making it worse with the False Accusations and Toxic comments.

im so wildly confused how this other rando is defending blizzard so blindly and is putting 100% of the blame on the players.

This dude literally just blamed us for not being patient about bots being banned.

Its been 6 months dude. 6 friggen months… what is a respectable timeline then for you? 8 months? a year? Should we wait until mop classic before they tackle bots?

What is your line for when its respectable for players to raise legitimate issues about the game and how they need to be fixed?

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