120 Boost gets rid of class hall quest?

I boosted a 120 shaman with my Shadowlands purchase and I want to start my class hall campaign from Legion, but when I went to Dalaran the quest to start it wasn’t there. My Dalaran Hearthstone also does not work.

Go to an Adventurer’s Board in your capital (it may work in other cities too). Look for the Legion starter quest (I think it is called “The Legion Returns”). This will start you on the Legion path correctly without skipping ahead using the portals.

If given the chance to skip ahead, because you did it before on another character, you can (and should, the intro is long).

Once you arrive in Dal either after skipping or finishing the scenario, you will have to dump the Dal hearth you picked up at the inn, and take the one you get as a reward. After you have done that, the character is tagged as ready for Legion and either a Shaman courier will run up to you in Dal, or if you find Thrall first (by the well near the northern bank) that is where the Shaman chain starts.

But what in my case it’s not on the board?

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To see some of those you have to have show low level quests turned on.

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Doesn’t work on boards in cap cities