Join us as we celebrate coming of Father Winter with our 12 days of Winter Veil celebration. Please see the following schedule for each day’s events.
This is a multi-guild event that is open to all Alliance members and includes 1 cross-faction event.
Thank you to all of the guilds/individuals who have volunteered to make this year’s 12 day of Winter Veil a success.
December 5
On the 1st day of Winter Veil, Conclave gave to me… a raucous kick off party!
6pm Northshire Abbey
December 6
On the 2nd day of Winter Veil, Conclave gave to me… two thrashin bots
6pm Ironforge side of the Tram. Bring your Crashin’ Thrasin’ Bots!
December 7th
On the 3rd day of Winter Veil, Stormwind Union gave to me… three tree blings
Ornament Decorating Contest (most creative ornament descriptions will win prizes) 6pm, Stormwind Union Watch Office (Cathedral District)
December 8th
On the 4th day of Winter Veil, Conclave gave to me… four bubbling pools.
4pm server Winterspring hot springs - Spa Day! Note change in time*
December 9th
On the 5th day of Winter Veil, Bards of the Lion gave to me…five songs and stories
6pm The Blue Recluse, Stormwind - sharing stories and carols.
December 10th
On the 6th day of Winter Veil, Feathers of Iron gave to me…six drinks a-chilling
6:30p Salty Sailor, Booty Bay, Stranglethorn
December 11th
On the 7th day of Winter Veil, Conclave gave to me seven looks a-thrilling
6pm Gazebo, Stormwind, Winter Veil transmog contest. Original outfits, no premade holiday gear 20k gold in prizes available.
December 12th
On the 8th day of Winter Veil, Conclave gave to me eight chocolate treats.
6pm The Blue Recluse, Stormwind.
December 13th
On the 9th day of Winter Veil, Conclave gave to me nine bruises healing
6pm Northshire Abbey - Snow ball fight, soft foam sword fight, shenanigans
December 14th
On the 10th day of Winter Veil the AAMS gave to me…10 drinks for drinking.
A Night Cap with the AAMS; Join the AAMS outside of Stormstout Brewery for a sampling. 7pm server Cross Faction event
December 15th
On the 11th day of Winter Veil Stormwind Union gave to me… 11 rods a dazzling.
Stormwind Union’s Dazzling Winter Veil 6p server, Pig N Whistle Bring your Dazzling Wand and a sense of adventure.
December 16th
On the 12th day of Winter Veil Conclave gave to me … 12 dancers dancing.
Location TBD 6pm Server. Formal attire… Join us for a Winter Veil Ball.
Thank you to Stormwind Union, Bards of the Lion, AAMS, and Feathers of Iron for joining our annual Winter Veil celebration.
Remember this Winter Veil to take some time to tell those you care about that they are appreciated. A little bit of kindness goes a long way.
Thank you Cenarion-Circle & Sisters of Elune RP Community.
Happy Winter Veil
- Genevra Stoneheardt-Nash, Steward of Conclave