12 Cutting Edge 238il Warrior Returning Player LF 1 or 2 Day Casual Guild

I returned to the game about a month ago after taking a break near the end of Nathria(which I earned Cutting Edge). I’m not looking for anything too serious unless your days/hours are very appealing to me. I’ve earned 12 Cutting Edges over the years(Including Kil’jaeden) among several other prestigious achievements. I’ve raided seriously since Vanilla, with only 4 short breaks over those 16 years.

I am looking to remain Alliance, as that’s where most of my friends are. Days and times are very flexible, I’m just not wanting to invest several hours a week into (semi)hardcore progression right now. Leave me some details on your guild and btags and I’ll start adding you people later.

We are looking for more and have a combination of long-term players like yourself, social, soloists, alt addicts etc. We do alright for a bunch of adults with RL commitments. Raiding is low pressure and conversational and our goal is AOTC for SoD - currently 7/10h. We like to do some m+ when we can as well!

Check out my latest post to learn more: Delete this please

Heya! < Ashes > 3/10M is in the market for a new DPS warrior (our current badass Arms guy is going casual). Our raid times are 8:30-11:30 EST on Tuesday/Wednesday, we’re Alliance on Fizzcrank/Aggramar. LMK if you’re interested.

kationka#1818 on Disc
kationka#1578 on Bnet

Lets move this up for more options

Karma Gaming is looking to add some dps to the mythic roster we are growing.
Raid nights M/W 9:15-midnight Pacific.
Historically AOTC-focused guild with some mythic progression, that is rebuilding our mythic roster.

northstar1#9128 discord
Northstar#1699 bnet

Up to the top please for options


We are a heroic progression guild and AOTC is our main focus throughout the expansion. We consider doing mythic bosses after heroic progression but it is not always guaranteed. As a guild we love to run high level mythic+ alongside progression raiding. After progression we do many different guild events such as old content achievement runs, transmog runs, and Alt raids for the current tier. We are all a committed and driven group but we love to have fun while doing so.

Raid Schedule

Day of Week Starting Time Ending Time
Tuesday 7:00 PM CST / 8:00 PM EST 9:30 PM CST / 10:30 PM EST
Thursday 7:00 PM CST / 8:00 PM EST 9:30 PM CST / 10:30 PM EST

Shadowlands Progression

  • Sanctum of Domination: 7/10H
  • Castle Nathria: 10/10H Ahead of the Curve

Mythic+ Schedule

We are also recruiting any and all roles/specs for our mythic plus runs. ( You do NOT need to be a raider to join mythic+) The more the merrier. We setup groups of 5 for players interested in having a committed group to push higher level keys with. We also offer mythic plus fill groups to help people run lower and higher keys who can’t commit to a group or just want to start running mythics on their alt or alt spec.

Day of Week Starting Time Ending Time
Wednesday 7:00 PM CST / 8:00 PM EST Whenever( Up to each group)
Sunday 7:00 PM CST / 8:00 PM EST Whenever

Raid Recruitment Needs

Very High

Healer: Monk, Shaman, or Disc Priest


  • Death Knight (DPS/ Tank)
  • Demon Hunter (DPS/Tank)
  • DPS/ Healers with Strong opposing off specs (ie Healer with a strong DPS spec)

Any strong applicants are encouraged to apply. We are always looking for strong and loyal players to help round out our teams and guild. If you are a DPS or Healer with a strong off spec we also encourage you to apply as we are always looking for versatile players who can fill gaps in the group.
Reprisal offers repairs based on guild rank and consumables (Cauldrons and Feasts) for each raid night. We also offer Mythic+ groups, and guild events. We welcome and support all people for who they are and do not tolerate discrimination or bullying of any kind.

For more information about Reprisal, please visit

To apply, please message Atolanos-Whisperwind to get started. All new recruits require trial on a “farm” raid night, usually Tuesday night, before being offered an official raid spot.


Name Role BattleTag Discord
Atolanos Recruiter DrProfessor#1263 Atolanos#4414

Once more before I start adding people tomorrow.

5/10M, 2 days, 6 hours. CE Nathria. Tuesday/Thursday 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM Eastern. We’re looking for a warrior to add to our core roster. Add me if interested Voidx#11219.

Hi, welcome back! BiOL is always looking for more guildies/raiders to join us. We do heroic raid during week and last 2 heroic then mythic on the weekend. (7 hrs total during weekend). We welcome fill ins, casuals and proggers to down bosses and get gear. Feel free to check us out below and reach out if interested.
Good luck and have fun!