Patterns with Patterns "Weekly" Seriously?

I was at 65% a few minutes ago, and all of a sudden I’m at 38%. Everyone in zone said the same thing. People are wondering what’s happening.


ya, i had the same was at 77% logged off for a few, came back and was at like 46% :frowning:


yeah was completed and went down to 64%, why do they keep doing dog food like that evey single time -.-


dropped from 61% to 31%.


I’ll wait to log in then.

At least you didnt have to restart it

They’re nerfing the % so it takes longer to fill up


Was completed and went back to 59%

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The blue post said they were making it take longer to do, but when I did it this morning it was super fast.

I bet they forgot to put that change in, and hotfixed it


hotfixing it mid-game is stupid, basically ain’t surprised from Blizzard, but still stupid.

If they forgot it they should’ve made it next week.


OH thank you! I thought I was going nuts - I went from 28% to 13% and was so confused. What is going on?!?!?



If they are going to pull this bullstuff then there is no point in doing the zone anymore outside of the campaign quests. Hope they enjoy their lower time played metric.


Why would they do that. Doing dailies alone + WQ you can barely fill the bar up as it is even with getting a couple rare mobs. 2 Daily quests + 2 WQs = 40% it was up for 3 days supposedly. Now if you just do dailies and WQs you cant finish.
Yeah its nice now since everyone is farming rares but what about 2 months from now when nobody farming rares.


I went from 97% to 55%. One person in guild was heading to turn it in and lost percent.

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Had the same the thing happen just now, got to 97%, zoned out to Oribos and it dropped to 56%.

They really need to not do stuff like this. It’s beyond annoying.



So I finished it and bought patterns from the quartermaster and made my engineering goggles. Hope I get to keep them.
Things look ok.

Odd. I played today, logged out once or twice and finished it all and turned it in with no problems. ???

It makes more sense to do it once a week. You didn’t lose any credit.

Meanwhile, I’m laughing at people with an active sub.

You paid for this!