Introduce Yourself Here


I’m a friendly neighborhood WoW Classic Game Producer and I’ve been at Blizzard for a bit over 12 years. In my current role as a Producer I help plan and oversee WoW Classic releases, maintain development schedules, and provide day to day support to the fantastic WoW Classic dev team. I’ve been a part of the WoW Classic effort since 2018, and for that most of that time I’ve worked behind the scenes with many members of the Classic community to help ensure that Classic is a fun, authentic experience that looks and feels as close to the original games as possible.

I’ve been a World of Warcraft player since launch in 2004, and these days I am (unsuprisingly) an ardent Classic player first and foremost. I am the GM for a guild with two full 10/10 raid teams in Burning Crusade classic and during WoW Classic I was the guild’s Warrior main tank, but I made a main swap to Hunter for Burning Crusade Classic and I’ve been having a blast with it. I’ve also been dabbling with various Soul of Iron characters in Season of Mastery, but I think my playstyle is a bit too daring to experience true success here (I have an almost compuslive desire to jump from high places in World of Warcraft for some reason…).

Big thanks to everyone who signed up and is participating here, and thanks to the community team for getting this up and running! Really looking forward to some great interactions here!