"1.12 itemization is why classic is easy"

If you can’t understand the differences between:

-1.12 Itemization is A reason classic is so easy


-1.12 itemization is THE reason classic is so easy

then I can’t help you. It’s undeniable that 1.12 itemization has made early classic content easier than before. But it’s only ONE reason, no matter how big or small it is.


They used hunter pets to tank, and was a raid of pretty much all casters so gear isn’t as big of a deal, plus they had full world buffs, flasks and consumes, this wasn’t like they walked in with just player buffs and downed Ony naked. I’m not trying to say Ony is difficult, but you go in there with a normal raid naked without World buffs and flasks, you’re probably dead.


Fury warriors didn’t even have Bloodthirst when BWL was released… Lol…


Are you on drugs? lol.


Sometimes people forget that world buffs are so powerful you may as well have doubled the number of players in raid (class depending)

I really wish itemization.info was still up so you could see just how busted some items are in 1.12 compared to their original release.

Here’s a single example among the countless that are still floating in the ether of the internet. https ://i.imgur.com/Iaen3Cl.png

Yep, gear (or skill) doesn’t really matter that much anymore. Sometimes it feels like we’re all just vehicles to carry our buffs into the raid so that the buffs can clear the content.


For warriors and rogues is like literally almost bringing a second warrior or rogue when you are fully buffed.

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Pre 1.11 variant seems like it’s actually insane in the current raid climate. A really strong 2h sword that shaves off that last scrap of boss armor?

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We have Annihilator for that and I don’t even know how many raids utilize it. But even the 1.11 variant is a buff effect on you. The earlier ones were debuffs on a single target.

Found another busted item with 1.12 that was completely forgettable on vanilla release.

https ://classicdb.ch/?item=11662-0

Because of the weapon stats and proc-rate.

Annihilator is a 1h-axe with low proc rate and low dps/stats. BRE has really high dps and is a 2h sword.

And pre-1.11, so the 1.7 and earlier variant (1.7 seems better though)

Fully world buffed, flasked and using consumables…even naked that’s more geared than half the pugs I’ve run Ony with.


um yes they did…


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…Read what that skill did in 1.1.

Warrior dps was barely a thing until ZG dropped, and the few ones had to be arms. The most popular tanking spec was actually arms/prot, as protection wasn’t that great either.


Dude you’re 60 levels above the level cap of course it’s easy.

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um for pve content that is in its strongest form in 1.1 depending on what its proc rate was vs the 1.7 proc rate.

Cool at it was changed to its current version in 1.6 you know when BWL came out.

except shamans, trust me, I’ve tried.

Onyxia was never hard and everyone knows it. Even I sometimes go into her lair and put her in a choke hold just cause I can. OP is a bit upset that they have tiny muscles.