1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

I do have to admit that it is somewhat entertaining seeing one person claiming that zerg rushes did not happen until post vanilla, the other claiming that it will be zerg rushed regardless of version, and both defend each other. Both rather tag teaming people who actually care about the integrity and playability of the content.


So you support 1.12 AV, you know the version blizzard ended up on after the original AV failed in vanilla.

Right, just like how they ended up on all those other changes after the original ideas “failed.” And that’s how we ended up with retail. Classic is not a 1:1 of vanilla 1.12.

Yep just like how they ended up with 1.12.

And photo proof of this guy just being a straight up liar.

Just to prove how much a liar you are here is a 3 hour youtube vid of people doing constant avs in like what? 10mins?

There’s nothing more to say to you. You just outed yourself as someone who is just trying to win an argument and not be correct. Bye child

The irony in here just went up another level.

Found a funny video of you guys, this guy is the living brokenwind/everyone else who is crying about old av.

The whole video he just talks about “I’m only going to be in here for 30 mins I don’t have all day, this version is soooo long, so long, blizzard nerfed it to the version where it doesn’t take as long this is how AV needs to be played”…

20 minute game LOL

So much effort being put into arguing a subject that you don’t even really care about, while completely ignoring the other troll who’s keen insight is the polar opposite of yours.

Almost as if you are in here just to stir things up for your amusement.

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Just because we agree on a couple things doesn’t mean I agree with 100% everything he is saying. He is right that the reinforcements is what started the zerging ‘norm’ because turtleing made no more sense as you would just force yourself into a loss because you would slowly lose reinforcements.

But with that said, I don’t believe that this ‘norm’ isn’t going to spill over to classic. It obviously is. But you see what he is posting is just ‘I believe’ or ‘I just think/feel like’ so I can’t really argue against that.

You goons are posting ‘this IS how it’s going to happen’ or ‘this IS how 1.5 is going to be’. And that’s why I’m commenting to you guys specifically.

And I don’t care about it very much, I just like browsing forums, and if I see something obviously wrong or something I would like more info on I will comment.

Nah that’s not really it at all. If you notice when I first started in this post I was just asking questions about how/why/what you think about 1.5. If I was just stirring things up I would just be coming out of the gate with “LOL 1.5 BAD 1.12 GOOD” or something.

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Please bring AV version that prevents rushing to the final boss easily. That version is whack, bring back long AV battles. Blizzard, if you want more continual money from subs, understand that we do NOT want retail version of AV. Thx for the consideration


No, it’s just that neither of them are getting a ding in their responded-to box.

Ok retail kid.

Oh that’s one big oof

15th anniversary version for classic would be a good move on blizzard’s part and would justify the development time they put into it.

You’re making great points, but you’re wasting you time.

Nicholaes and Ziryus are just not very intelligent.

It’s not worth spending time debating people who are too dumb to see that their error has been pointed out multiple times. Maybe if you were flipping burgers or packing trucks for delivery like them you’d have nothing better to do that engage.

And Nicholaes - no, I was not “on vacation.” It’s just that my inferiors, by any and every measure, aren’t worthy of response.

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If Blizzard just made it so that you cannot move past the next GY/Tower without the previous one being taken over and certain objective conditions were met, then we would have hour long battles.

I feel that if marks of honor were attainable via accomplishing the variety of objectives within the BG (capturing/burning towers, capturing mines, accumulating enough rams/wolves/hides/etc, summoning calvary,/windriders, etc) on a scale of what the “win” condition rewards, then the entire BG would be more relevant. Rather than an entire MoH, those types of things could reward pieces of MoHs that could be combined into a whole.

If Korrak gave a MoH for instance, imagine the epic battles over him.

Classic forum users.

Youre nuts, classic av was super popular.

Note this part, ponder on it a while.

Now where could we find an early version that would work on the current backend…