Started the tier late and switched mains from Ele shaman to Mage. Guild quit raiding to take a break before Shadowlands. Looking for a guild that is 11/12m or 12/12m to push for CE. Willing to transfer, currently on Zul’Jin. Full masterful and caught up completely on cloak, 3200 IO and willing/wanting to push keys.
Hello! I’m a member of Strat Roulette from Area 52, we’re 11/12 Mythic and we raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9pm-12am EST. We are reclearing this week then progging N’zoth until we get it down. We are a recently formed guild looking to finish off this raid tier and then prepare for SL. Our leadership is experienced and has gotten CE in previous expacs.
We are pretty relaxed outside of raid and enjoy pushing keys, casual pvp, alt raids, etc. We’re really looking for dedicated, reliable members to help us kill N’zoth and get ready for SL with us! My btag is Moreta#1291 send me a message if you’d like to know more !
ALL ABOARD!!! “ Choo Choo Train Brigade ” is a Semi-Hardcore weekend raid team on Thrall that is looking to expand.
We are made up of dedicated, hard working, consistent players that have played together for a few years and like to have a good time. 18+ is preferred due to adult language and humor. We are looking for players that are very aware of their surroundings, have a good knowledge of their class and role to round out our team, and move towards a greater goal. We are 10/12M. We are looking for team players with a positive attitude that are able to take criticism and improve off of it. We also take friends and family of raiders and casuals.
We Want to get CE this tier and hit the ground running in shadowlands.
Fri: 12AM - 3AM EST
Sat: 12AM - 3AM EST
Ummm hit me up if you’re trying to get away from these trash lord 11/12M guilds that are trying to recruit you this late into the tier RealPicsOnly#4722 <discord
Hello I am GM of [A] Pirate Chat 12/12M Stormrage we are currently looking for solid DPS for the rest of this tier and on. Raid times are Tues/Thurs 9pm-12am est. Feel free to add my battle tag or discord to answer any question you may have.
Battle tag: Nyteblayde69#1643
Discord: killerpro1337#3040
Hi Thorsmage,
We’re looking for players with some prior CE-level experience who want a somewhat casual raid schedule while utilizing some of the best-practices you see in more serious environments.
We raid a fairly casual schedule and try to take advantage of our limited hours by coming to raid well prepared and highly organized. As an example, we use PTR testing footage and logs to create strats we’ll use during week 1. There’s an example from Ny’alotha in our recruitment information, and we also already have a guide posted for Hungering Destroyer in Castle Nathria.
Our primary organizational focus is on maintaining a positive and productive raid culture. We’re willing to make short term sacrifices like investing in a player who shows potential and needs some gear and some practice or removing a player who might be highly skilled individually but isn’t on board with playing as a team and keeping the raid culture positive.
If those practices and values speak to you, have a look at our recruitment post and drop us an application if you like what you see.
Formerly [A] on Lightbringer, we are now on [H] on the Illidan Server. TC 12/12M was founded on May 2005 and have been a top guild from inception, obtaining most cutting edges. We are getting most of the core guild members back so you can expect a guild with seasoned leadership, a relaxed and fun raid environment full of skillful individuals.
We are currently raiding Tues & Weds 9:30-12:30am EST. We have an optional run on Sundays at the same time . This is usually reserved for Sales, Achievements, or Norm/Heroic Clears during Mythic Prog.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to anyone in leadership
Officer Ghostyy BTag Ghosty#1481 Discord Ghosty#0330
Officer Llunai Btag Lunana#1345 Discord Luna#8650
GM Xellos BTag Xellos#1969 Discord Xellos#3150
Go to our WowProgress or
(renamed from Alliance Lives Matter) Currently 12/12M Famed Slayers Of N’zoth [US 91], 8/8M[US110] , 9/9M BoD [US140] , 8/8M Uldir [CE] , 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge].
Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 brew/blood dk or multi class tank, 1 disc priest, 1 resto shaman/druid, 1 warrior dps, 2 ranged dps(strong preference for warlock+mage) 1 bm hunter… Potentially 1 other stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.
Raid Schedule [12 hours / week for mythic team]
[Mythic] Tues/Wed/Thurs/Sun - 8:30 to 11:30 pm central (9:30 to 12:30 pm est)
[Heroic] Saturday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.
Where to apply:
Applications be be submitted on our Google Form here : (copy and paste link in web browser of your choice)
We accomplished our milestone goal of achieving Famed Slayer of N’Zoth for Alliance. We are now looking towards bolstering our roster with top tier raiders/reclearing City/sales to finish out BFA. We also are always recruiting social, normal, and heroic raiders.
We always recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and thriving guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid.
We also have a newly formed second mythic raid team which is currently currently 5/12 M NYA, only 2 months after forming. SS is composed of raiders with experience ranging from 10/10 Heroic ICC to 9/9M BoD [US140], and progressing very quickly to engage with WoW’s toughest content.
Guild Goals: We are pushing aggressively for Hall of Fame/Famed Slayer/Sub 100 US in 8.3 Ny’alotha raid [SUCCESSFUL] and going forward. We show marked improvement every single raid tier. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 5 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. We easily achieve cutting edge every raid tier. This IS a famed slayer raiding guild with structure and organization that is dedicated to constant improvement that considers complacency our enemy.
All of our mythic raiders complete at least 1 15 key or higher per week for maximum mythic plus cache loot as well as maintain their neck and cloaks, farm mythic plus outside of raid times, and not only study our in-guild strategies but perform their own personal log and vod research out of raid hours.
More about the guild: This is a semi-hardcore mythic progression focused guild first and foremost. We are an extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 21-33. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Cauldrons/repairs/vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.
Where to apply:
Applications be be submitted on our Google Form here : (copy and paste link in web browser of your choice)
If you’re interested in raiding with us and have any questions or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer.@
BTag: Ashe#1789
Discord: Ashie#6243
In Game: Nebbie-Stormrage
Hey thorsmage, my guild is currently recruiting more RDPS to bolster our roster going into SL. We’re currently 12/12M and raid Tues/Thurs 7-1030pm PST. With our current reclear schedule we’re only raiding 1 day a week now, so if you’re looking for something more lax, we’d definitely love to chat some more. Add me on bnet at Hijacks#1262
Hey! We are looking to add a couple more dps to our roster for Mythic N’zoth and Shadowlands.
We are Months Behind on US-Eredar Horde
7/8M Uldir
7/9M BoD
2/2H Crucible
5/8M Eternal Palace
11/12M Ny’alotha
Monday-Wednesday 8pm-11pm EST
Our goal is to clear current mythic content while remaining casual and laid back. We like to joke around and foster a community. Recruiting people who are looking for a “forever home” is a top priority. The guild has been around since 2006 and we don’t plan on going anywhere soon.
Contact Info
Battletag: Rebdull#1533
Discord: Rebdull#9648
Hello friends! My name is Bullcon and I represent <Raiding Is Hard:(> we are a friendly late night raiding guild based on Area-52. We are looking for skilled DPS to help us finish this tier and build a team that will be successful in the shadowlands and beyond!
Raid Times/Days:
Tuesday/Thursday from 11pm-2am PST or 2am-5am EST (Area 52 server time) or 1am-4am CT
We also do an optional raid day on Wednesday at the same times where we sell carries. Its a non-mandatory day but its a fun and quick way to make some easy money as well as farm Echoes/Azerite and get some juicy Heroic parses!
Current Progress:
We are currently 11/12 Mythic and have just begun progress on N’zoth
Contact Info:
If you’re interested you can reach me with the info listed below and I will try to get back to you in a timely manner.
BTAG: Bullcon#1672
Still looking, thanks for everyone who’s taken a look.
We Happy Few is a horde guild on Tichondrius. 11/12M.
Recruitment needs:
Ranged DPS (warlock, spriest, mage)
Anyone with talent for their class that is not listed will always be considered. Raid spots are competitive.
Raid Schedule:
Mythic: Tues/Thurs 6:30 - 9:30 PM PST
How to apply:
Toot#2783 (discord)
Tooterpillar#1938 (bnet)
Guild: Dominion
Area 52 – Horde
11/12 Mythic
Dominion is a progression focused guild that realizes real life happens. We’re not seeking server firsts, but we do want to clear the top tier of content.
Founded in Vanilla on Altar of Storms, we transferred to Stormrage in 2012 as the server population started to decline. On AoS we were consistently making server seconds and we hovered around the top 10-20 guilds on Stormrage consistently. With the Alliance raiding population dwindling, we transferred to Area 52 in 2019 with the expectation of continuing our long standing success.
In short, if you’re looking for a consistent guild that makes progression targets, without the demands of those in the World First races, Dominion might be the place for you.
We are recruiting all Exceptional DPS and healers.
Guild Progress
h ttps://
h ttps://
Raid Times
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8-11PM EST
Optional Heroic Saturday 8-11PM EST
How to Apply
Please fill out an application at h ttps://
Visit our Discord for more information at h ttps://
Feel free to contact any officer in game with questions; Sarisia (Solarshadow#1696), Aureliee (Aurelie#11489), or Kobrakaix(Kobrakai#1378).
Hey Thor,
We are 11/12M and currently progging on N’Zoth, we’ve are just over a 100 pulls in. Would like to chat with you more if you’d be up for finishing with us. We are a Horde guild on Bleeding Hollow that’s been around for a couple years.
Bnet Mattak#11436
[A] [US] Proudmoore - 11/12M Need DPS!
Our guild is built on a community of hungry players who want to push CE every tier while having a fun time as a team. The goal right now is to get N’Zoth before prepatch, but we also want to finish building a strong foundation for Shadowlands so that we hit the ground running!
Current progression:
11/12 M Nyalotha
Currently recruiting:
*Any STRONG candidates may apply, but we are very interested in these 3 classes. You MUST provide logs via our app for any consideration!
What we can offer you: a fun but serious and progression oriented raiding environment. We know when to be serious, but we do not want to sacrifice the fun atmosphere that raiding is truly about at its core. On farm bosses we like to have fun, but when time comes for progression, we clear comms and focus up. We absolutely do not tolerate any racism/sexism/homophobia/etc in our community and will result in an immediate kick. Our goal is to build a fun community with lasting friendships, so we are planning on doing guild events such as 1v1 tournaments, transmog contests, m+ competitions, and more!
Main raid: Tues/Wed 10pm-1am EST/ 7pm-10pm PST (server)
Optional night: Sun 10pm-1am EST/ 7pm-10pm PST (server)
During initial prog/end prog we will be adding a temporary 3rd day to the raid schedule to help clear AOTC/CE quickly!
As part of our commitment to building a community, every member and officer will be screened via a discord interview to make sure they are a good fit for our team. Be sure to have a working mic!
Please fill out this form and let us know if you are interested and we will get back to you! We are committed to this guild but we definitely want to do this right and not waste anyone’s time.
**Remove the “X” within the “https:” to access the google doc or the link won’t work!
BTag: Cyd#1968
Hey Thorsmage,
Our guild is a newly formed guild that is currently 10/12M. We are working on Cara and should get him down this week. We are recruiting players to round out our mythic team so we can continue current mythic progression and to prepare for Shadowlands. In shadowlands we plan to push CE early in the tier while still having fun together as a guild. We normally raid Wed, Thurs 9pm-12am EST and we have also been Monday for trials and for anyone wanting to do heroic. We are all friendly and willing to help with gearing and mythic + outside of raid as well. If you are interested my discord is Pray#8417 and bnet is Juf3r#1319.
Looking for big mage deeps.
Average Effort - Area 52 - Horde
If you are looking for a fresh start, are a weathered veteran coming back to the game, or a guild that is not currently living up to your expectations - reach out and lets chat.
We are a newer guild formed of prior tier CE players - US top 10-150 leadership - Level headed ladies and gents - and all-around awesome players.
We are currently 11/12M in 2.5 weeks of raiding - looking to finish this tier out strong - and hit SL hard.
We began as a 20-man N/H raiding group in Mists of Pandaria and quickly hit 14/14H in SoO with a fledgling roster by the raid’s end. Although many players took a break from the game during Warlords of Draenor, some of us have stuck together to clear later expansion’s content at the Cutting Edge level, with leadership being high-end Mythic raiders in NA’s top 120 guilds during some tiers.
Average Effort is looking to make a resurgence with fresh blood and a new outlook on raiding.
1-2 Warlocks (HIGH)
1 Hunter
1-2 Mages (HIGH)
Any exceptional players regardless of class/role will be looked at.
Raiding Schedule:
Tues, Wed, Thurs 8:00 - 11:00 PM EST. with a 10 minute break.
We will rarely go past our raid time. We might have a pull go 5-10 minutes past the end of raid occasionally, but most of us work in the morning and are eager to end on time.
Average Effort is focused on progression and we will always fine-tune our roster to select the best players/classes for each boss in order to achieve our raiding goals as efficiently as possible.
While we do not recruit for a bench, each player must earn and retain their raid spot in order to maintain integrity within the roster.
We value players who can think critically, contribute objectively and constructively, and enjoy a mature, fast-paced raiding environment.
We expect that each player is capable of analyzing logs and improving on their gameplay, showing up to raid prepared, and able to use a mic when appropriate.
Mistakes will happen and are taken in stride, but we strive to respect each person’s time and commitment to the raid and want to ensure that we are able to address all issues quickly with each attempt.
How to Apply:
Contact any of the officers on discord or btag for a link to our application forum.
Guild Master: Jung
BTag: Jung#1698
Discord: Jungestson#3098
BTag: Talget#1407
Discord: Talget#9135
BTag: Lichblade#1883
Discord: Lichblade#4921
Morning Thorsmage, Sauce on Mal’ganis, 12/12M Nya, is looking for more players for reclears and Shadowlands. We raid Tues/Weds/Thurs 8:30pm to 11pm EST. Add me on Bnet: Uza#1286
Hi there! If our raid times work, check us out Our spam is a little out of date (I need to get Khava to update it) - we are 11/12M and currently just getting to secret phase on NZoth so that will hopefully die soon. Could always use another mage!
We’re a daytime Mythic guild previously 12/12M CE on Sargeras (Alliance) who have decided to make the swap to Horde on Area 52 for Shadowlands. We are looking to enhance our roster with skilled and reliable players.
Our group is one of friends, who push each other towards excellence in game while maintaining a healthy sense of humor, open lines of communication, and clear sense of direction. We are a level-headed bunch, hungry for progress. We have a low tolerance for drama and do our best to foster a positive in-game environment.
Swell’s core is composed of veteran raiders. Some of us have been playing together for years, and some of us are new friends. We have a solid foundation for our dream team – we’re searching for a few more to help round us out!
Currently, our main search is for competent ranged DPS. As we move into the tail end of the expansion, we are looking to relax after earning CE Alliance side and build our roster for the upcoming (and exciting) changes in Shadowlands. Our new team is now 10/12M after two weeks of raiding together and we do plan on getting CE again this tier. We normally maintain a 25-30 person roster to flex for boss requirements and schedule changes.
Swell has historically fielded a bunch of key pushers, and we work together to get everyone a key completed every week, and we have interest in rated BGs, world PvP, transmog and achievement runs. Alts, casuals, socials, friends, and families are always welcome!
[H] <Swell> 11/12M (12/12M CE NYA Alliance side [8/8M CE TEP])
Raid Times: 10AM-1PM EST/Server | Wednesday/Thursday/Friday
Monday/Tuesday are sometimes OPTIONAL flex days early in the tier, but we generally have Heroic sales Tuesday at reset (11am CST) during active raiding seasons.
** Note: We are primarily looking for DPS, but we will consider any exceptional talent. **
wowprogress - /guild/us/area-52/swell
raider io - /guilds/us/area-52/Swell
guildsofwow - /swell APPLY HERE!
Mythic raiding experienced is absolutely required. We have mandatory addons and WeakAuras that we expect all raiders to use. Discord is required, and a working mic is necessary.
We are a guild of dedicated and ambitious players. Commitment to our raid times is mandatory. We’re interested in consistent players who are realistic and honest about their day-to-day schedule. Raiders are required to communicate any tardiness or absences via a Discord channel or through tells with an Officer. Schedules change, things come up and real life always comes first. All we ask for is a heads up!
Trial Period
Two weeks from start date or six consecutive days demonstrating attendance and competent play. Start date begins on the first raid day you are present. Trials are always given a feedback session at the end of their trial period and we encourage you to talk with us during and before this about anything and everything.
What you can expect from us:
- Dedicated leadership.
- Effective communication.
- Well defined goals.
- A sense of community.
- Good attitudes.
- Honest and helpful feedback.
- Raid materials (Vantus Runes, feasts, cauldrons).
Our Officers are always available to speak with, and we expect our raiders to help us maintain open lines of communication about their needs and concerns.
What we expect from you:
- 90% Attendance rate, as well as being on time (early).
- Excellent communication skills.
- Survivability and understanding of mechanics while excelling at your role.
Many players struggle to do one - we are looking for both. - Ability to introspect regarding your play in order to be constantly improving.
- Willingness to integrate yourself in our community, as you are comfortable.
If we sound like a good fit, let us know! Apply via Guilds of WoW, then reply here, or send us a tell on BNET/Discord. Or you can go old school and send in-game mail to Khavá, Kalanee, or Foxicopter! Thanks for checking us out and we hope to see you in gchat soon.
Battlenet / Discord Contacts
Khavá - Ezmaya#1410 / sovereign#6676
Kalanee - Kalanii#1116 / Kalanii#9911