Class/Spec: Shaman-Elemental
Faction: Either
Cleared: 11/12M w/226 pulls on Nzoth. CE every tier back to Argus
Btag: TROGDOOR#1279
Discord: Kunder#3867
Availability: after 730-8EST until 1am EST looking for 2-3 days a week raid
I play a variety of alts and have raided the CE lvl on WW monk, Shadow Priest and Retribution paladin if you want logs from these pls ask. LF semi hardcore raiding guild pref 12/12M 100-200US. Any questions pls feel free to contact me. Thanks Much.
Hey there! We may be a good fit for you. Perhaps we can interest you in coming along for reclears and beyond into Shadowlands.
Please Taunt on US-Hyjal, 12/12 M (US 179), 8/8 M AEP (US 157), 9/9M BoD 6-hour / week team.
We’re honest with people about mistakes and performance, and expect our players to take criticism well. We’re looking for players who share our team mentality, and as long as you’re outgoing and interested in playing the game with us, you’ll be happy playing here.
Tuesday - Wednesday 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm PST
Fill out this very short form if you want to chat with us about playing here ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
https:// (delete the space after the slashes)
Hey Kunderthunt, we’re 12/12m and looking for DPS for shadowlands. We do not require alts and there is no application process other than getting in contact so we can chat and review your logs.
Schedule (8 hours)
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur
10pm-12am EST
Raids will not go more than 1 pull past midnight EST.
We will run normal and heroic at the start of a new tier until the guild is no longer interested.
12/12M NYA - US 393
7/8M EP - Azshara 4%
9/9M BoD - US 219
8/8M Uldir - US 195
11/11M Antorus - US 228
9/9M ToS - US 232
10/10M NH - US 485
3/3M ToV - US 276
7/7M EN - US 200
13/13M HFC - US 289
8/10M BRF
7/7M HM
14/14H SOO - US 305
13/13H ToT- US 230
About Us
The guild has been active since it was established in 2006 on Korgath.
Our goal is always to full clear mythic for Cutting Edge. Recruitment, composition, and loot distribution are all focused to support that goal. Our raiding environment is organized, fast paced, and passionate. Our schedule is ideal for CE players with a full-time school or work schedule. Many raiders also focus on mythic plus, rated PvP, and achievement hunting.
Recruitment Officers
Grolgek - - - Amor#1426
Geezpow - - - Geezpow#1332
Good morning Kunderthunt,
Many of my guild are returning AoTC and Mythic raiders looking to put together a mythic team for the rest of this expansion and SL. We are currently 12/12H and putting together a Mythic team which is about 14 people strong now. We raid 2 nights a week, 8-12EST (right in your time slot). I know we aren’t 12/12M but we are aiming to get there by the time SL drops.
If you are interested, message Beakz#6039 (discord) or visit our forums page: <Scapegoats> 12/12H [Area 52] Mythic Recruiting: Tu/Thur 8-12 EST - #2 by Noseboss-area-52-1013068
Hey there Kunder!
< Quantum > [H] on Illidan is recruiting for our core mythic team! We are a two night, mythic raiding guild who are currently 10/12M.
Raid Times : Tuesday and Thursday - 09:30PM EST to 12:30AM EST.
Current Progression : 10/12M Nya
Current Needs :
Tank: Closed
Melee DPS: Limited- Rogue
Ranged DPS: Open - All, with preference to Mage/Lock/Boomy
Healer: Closed
Guild Requirements : Prefer 80+ heart and Rank 15 cloak. Come prepared to raid with anything you may need for the night, and arrive 15 min early. Food, flask, repairs and enchants are provided as needed.
We are a new-ish guild, forming at the beginning of this expansion. For the first couple tiers, we were primarily focused on AoTC achievement. Last tier, we began to make the transition to a CE focused guild. We like to think we are a very unique guild, that labels themselves more as a community. Our members all joke around, and have fun both in raid and out. Many of us play multiple other games together on off nights, as well as pushing M+ or doing carries in both M+ and heroic raids. For this reason, we want to keep this a drama/toxicity free environment and look for good fits to join our community.
Would love to chat a little more with you and see if we are a good match!
You can reach me on BNet or Discord at Ekoh#1469 for both.
Look forward to hearing from you!
Hello Kunderthunt
Illidan [H] is 11/12M looking for more raiders! We are a MORNING raiding guild. We currently have two raid teams, main raid team that is 11/12M currently working on Nzoth and raids WED/THU/FRI 8AM (NOT PM) to 11AM CST. Our second raid team raids Mondays 5/12M 8AM-11AM.
If this interests you let me know,
Withoutt#8803 -Discord
Without#1930- Bnet