11/12M 478 Horde R Shaman LF Raiding Guild

Basically as the title says. I was raiding earlier in the expansion on a MW monk, but was not enjoying it so I switched to this shaman. Fully caught up cloak and corruptions and everything. Looking for a guild where I can enjoy playing the character I plan on bringing into shadowlands (unless blizzard nukes rsham for some random reason). I’m fine with reprogressing to a certain extent but would prefer something around the area of at 6 or 7/12.

Im currently on Tich at the moment and would prefer to stay there and alliance is really not an option for me unless it is a golden opportunity or something. I can do most times during the week but weekends are sketchy.

Should also probably add my bnet Zennlar#1755

Hello friends my name is Bullcon and I represent <Raiding Is Hard:(> We are an extra late night Horde raiding guild based on Area 52. We’re currently 10/12M and recruiting DPS to help us get CE this tier and then every tier in Shadowlands and beyond.

Raid Days and Times:
-We raid Tuesday and Thursday from 11pm-2am PST or 2am-5am EST or 1am-4am CST

-We also have optional raid days on Wednesday/Monday at the same times where we do carry runs. We sell Heroic Nyalotha and Jaina mounts to make our raiders some money as well as fund things like guild repairs and money for proffesions in Shadowlands. Attendance is optional on these days.

Current progress:
-Currently we are 10/12M and have begun progress on Carapace, we’ve got phase 1 and 2 down and are working on phase 3.

Since we are close to N’zoth and since shadowlands is right around the corner we will no longer be reclearing, we will extend lockout until N’zoth is dead and then reclear every week until shadowlands. That way everyone can get their mount and CE in time before SL. As such the requirements to trial for the team are a bit higher than normal since there’s less opportunity to get gear with us until N’zoth is dead, theres also the fact that we’re working on the two hardest bosses of the tier and as such we need people who can play at their full potential.

-470+ Ilvl
-Level 90 HOA
-Rank 15 cloak with max corruption resistance or close to it
-Appropriate corruptions/Azerite/Essences for your spec.
-Patience, we’re approaching the final boss of the tier! A boss where the average kill is after 250+ Wipes, we will likely be working on him for a couple of weeks before he dies so we ask that you be patient.

What we’re looking for:
-Were primarily looking for Ranged DPS things like BM hunters, Destro Locks and Fire Mages.

-Were also looking for a strong healer! Preferably a Holy Paladin but open to anything but druid.

If you don’t see your class/spec listed up here don’t be discouraged, we are open to any and all exceptional players so feel free to shoot your shot.

Logs are nice but not required.

Contact Info:
If you’re interested in us then feel free to reach out to me any time or day. I look forward to speaking with you!

-Discord: Bullcon#6858
-BattleTag: Bullcon#1672

hey there,

I would like to refer you to my post here. It’s for an illidan guild that is currently 11/12M. We are rebuilding our team after some core members departed and we have 12/20 people with consistent kills on carapace and solid prog on nzoth. You can reach out to me on btag: Detruiso#1978 if you have any questions

Hello, you’re looking like a Snack. Snacks [12/12M] on Horde Mal’ganis is a Cutting Edge Guild looking for more dedicated, exceptional and committed raiders. We raid on Tues/Wed at 9pm-12am EST. We not only raid together but have a highly active community that does M+/PvP/Sale Runs and more. If this sounds like a guild you’d like to be a part of, feel free to reach out to me in discord or if you have any questions! Titan#1410.

Bump it up

If you feel like a server transfer in the future and yelling For the Alliance! then [A] - Particle - Whisperwind [10/12 Mythic -Ny’alotha] 3 Day Mythic Raiding Guild is now recruiting experienced players. We are currently working towards Cutting Edge and have plans to raid next expansion as well.

We raid the following days.

Tuesday: 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM CST
Thursday: 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM CST
Monday: 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM CST

If you are interested or have questions please contact rosettechrno#1937.

Hi Grollash,

We’re looking for players with some prior mythic experience who want to step into a well-organized raid environment going into the expansion. We raid week nights, our healing team is in need of a shaman, and your experience level is similar to the majority of our raid.

We raid a fairly casual schedule and try to take advantage of our limited hours by coming to raid well prepared and highly organized. As an example, we use PTR testing footage and logs to create strats we’ll use during week 1. There’s an example from Ny’alotha in our recruitment information, and we also already have a guide posted for Hungering Destroyer in Castle Nathria (1 of the 8 bosses tested thus far)

Our primary organizational focus is on maintaining a positive and productive raid culture. We’re willing to make short term sacrifices like investing in a player who shows potential and needs some gear and some practice or removing a player who might be highly skilled individually but isn’t on board with playing as a team and keeping the raid culture positive.

If those practices and values speak to you, have a look at our recruitment post and drop us an application if you like what you see, or add me on bnet at Klik#1399 if you’d like to speak further before deciding to apply.

Thing goes here

Hey there, Crayon Factory on A-52 is looking for a Rshaman, we are 11/12M and are progging on Nzoth atm. We raid Tue/Thurs 7:30 PM-11:30PM EST. If you are interested contect me on Discord: TheBigwulz#2025 or Bnet: Wulrick#1404!

A][US][Sargeras] < Abstract >

About Us

We’ve been raiding for years, but really started being serious when we founded Abstract in November of 2019. Since then, we’ve welcomed an impressive group of talented and dedicated raiders and are focusing on becoming a Cutting Edge guild. We’re mainly a raiding guild, with a passion for pushing keys.

Raid Times

Mythic Raid; Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6:30pm to 9:30pm CST(server time)


10/12 Mythic Ny’alotha

12/12 Heroic Ny’alotha

Tanks - 1 any class
Ranged dps - shadow priest, ele shaman, warlocks.
Healers - Disc priest / Resto shaman

Voice: Discord


Discord: Hobbsey#1034

Battle.net: Hobbsey#1249

Apply here:

abstractguild dot com