11.1 Warlock Feedback and Bug Thread

I was flabbergasted after playing destruction through the alpha and beta cycle just to see the fiesta it became on launch last year. It was so utterly bad that we were playing pre-buff affliction during heroic week and destruction was dead last out of all the specs with moonkin, even after I made almost 5 posts on the beta feedback thread about its tuning being horrendous.

After the buffs, it saw some play during the rwf but warlock as a whole ended up being mediocre again this tier aside from a single boss (court), with 2/3 of our specs completely unviable and unplayable on the mythic endboss (which is rediculous btw). Affliction is still unviable for mythic ansurek and you are actively trolling your raid if you play it for progression.

I posted in a previous thread that affliction has been played during progression in hall of fame for a grand total of 2 end bosses in 7 years (sire because destruction was complete trash tier once again, and G’huun). At this point just buff the spec to have me play something other than demo or destruction at a hall of fame level please.