amazing changes to warlocks in the latest patch notes…
amazing changes to warlocks in the latest patch notes…
You heard wrong.
Strange you say wrong. Cause I been hearing from all warriors in game that they are doing well. Plus I coukd have sworn that I saw a huge amount of buffs to warriors.
I wonder if that is how Blizzard rolls…Lets make other classes do well, all the while making other classes and specs suck it on the sidelines so that other classes shine well. Pathetic and lazy balancing is what I call it.
lol Fury warrior is the top simming spec and they just received more buffs earlier this week.
Kinda contradictory that a class that is doing well get a huge amount of buffs, its almost if they arent doing well, and most warrior players just say they are doing well if the spec isnt unplayable
If they are that strong, they will get the nerf bat to be bottom again like in the first week of season 1, while other classes dont.
Thank you for making the point against you… That’s the reason for the Jabs and quips.
We’re litterally almost or are being beaten by your bloody tank spec… With respect to ST. Spec depending but yeah… you right
And Blizzard has always made so much sense, right? Makes as much sense as completely ignoring a whole CLASS that has been struggling to break the middle point sim-wise.
You can at least spec Arms and do somewhat well. All 3 Warlock specs are currently below Arms, and Arms has received a blanket 40% buff in the last 3 builds.
Maybe try exploring your other spec. If you’re purposefully playing one of the worst specs in the game (who has also received a 40% blanket buff in 11.1, mind you! It IS doing bad right now, but it is getting help! Why are WE not getting the same help? Why are we not getting so much an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT? If you’re planning a rework further along, just let us know at this point), that’s not on me.
Now either add something constructive or kindly go away.
My other class is literally Warlock, maybe my POV is too PVP focused cause i dont do PVE but i did get to the 2k territory on my demo and i say demo and destro are currently better than fury or arms. Afflic dominated the start of season 1 for a long time before the nerf.
On PVE, Arms and destro are middle of the pack and fury is literally the worst spec on bosses according to the wowhead:
Im not saying Warlock are in their best spot ever, just saying warriors arent doing that great either
We’re not talking about PvP here, though? This entire thread is about PvE perspective.
And again, since you like to beeline in one sentence that is rectified two sentences after:
Yes, Fury is the worst spec on bosses.
Fury has also received 2 blocks of 20% buffs across the board over the past 3 builds. It is now simming on top 5.
20% of 10 only becomes 12.
Either way, i just responded someone saying “warrior is doing particularly well this time of the year”, that he heard wrong. We will see if the sims hold up on release
I guess almost every single warrior I’ve seen in the Warrior discord is wrong, then.
Okay, enough derailing of this. This is about the radio silence on Warlocks and the lack of changes on a pure DPS class with no specs that are able to break mid point in sims.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. When the sims become widely available and more public, fury and arms are significantly higher than other dps specs (minus havoc dh atm).
Affliction is simming below prot warrior in single target atm (although to be fair that is full execute build as prot)
Again, these are sims used for talent performance and what most theorycrafters and raiders look at prior to a raid coming out.
EDIT: before you criticize sims, yeah they aren’t perfect. The issue is that it’s perceived performance usually ends up being pretty accurate in their niche cases. In this case, single target is typically correct in simluation assessment and real-world data.
What Neryssa said is correct in that the problem is that affliction hasn’t been looked at or tuned from a single target perspective at all this patch, and is need of dire help as the worst performing spec in single target out of any earlier simulations.
Destruction is also bugged on the ptr and is overperforming by x% due to demonfire infusion just being 600% stronger than intended as hellcaller.
This tier will once again see a massive slew of warlock buffs once things even out and bugs are taken care of imo. This past tier each spec got three straight hotfix blanket buffs either prior to mythic launch and during the tier itself. Overall destruction was buffed rougly 16% since the TWW beta, aff is up roughly the same and demo is around 10% since the beta. It’s poor practice to have these issues remain and be reported during beta but not make it live
I’m convinced that their internal testing for warlock in single target is incredibly difficult to assess since they want us to have a more targeted multi-target niche.
I have seen more and more Affliction mains casting their voice out of the abyss hoping the Devs will answer so I will as well.
Veteran warlock player for 12 years and WoW player for 14 years. I want to explain what path we should take to revive the class fantasy of the warlock spec known as Affliction. I have no idea what’s going on a Blizzard HQs but I wish your team would let us players be the think tank for the direction of classes and its specs and you be the master of the numbers.
I primarily want to state what I believe could be the best path going forward. I know we have stated our concerns and reiterated the issues of the spec countless times on the forums which is why I want to give you solutions and not more complaining.
That being said…
Talent 1- shard regeneration increased by X%
Talent 2- spend 1 shard to increase damage of Agony/Corruption by X%.
Talent 3- spend 1 shard to increase the duration of all dots by 3 seconds.
Talent 4- Crits now give you 0.X% increase DoT damage for the next 3 seconds.
Talent 5- (Gain X talent: takes one shard to use), this talent now makes your dots radiate damage to nearby enemies for X% of spell power for X time.
Talent 6- Agony/corruption now does X% more damage but its duration is shorted to 10 seconds.
Talent 7- All dots now pulse with X damage but the duration of all DoTs is decreased by half.
Talent 8- (Gain UA X talent: cooldown is 20 seconds and takes 3 shards). This talent casts 4 Unstable Afflictions to nearby targets for 8 seconds.
Talent 9- Darkglare now becomes a void God and does X damage for every DoT active Or pulsates the ground for X damage and X seconds recharging soul shards X% faster.
Talent 10- (Gain X talent). You can now cast Agony and Corruption together (in one global).
Talent 11- Soul Rot now becomes a ground aoe for 10 seconds doing X damage(like vile taint) and extends DoTs by 5 seconds while mobs are in the effect.
Talent 12- Gain stacks of Xspell, at 100 stacks your next haunt explodes in a 10 yard radius doing X damage.
Talent 13- Malefic Rupture now turns into Malefic burst (1 minute cooldown and takes 5 shards). All your Dots now explode for X damage and are consumed.
Talent 14- Bring back Soul Swap. I believe people don’t understand why this was OP back in MoP, in my opinion it was only OP because of snapshotting and now that snapshotting doesn’t exist, having the same iteration of this spell would easily be possible.
I could go on and on, but these are just a few fun ideas for the left side talent tree that focuses on AoE with a DoT emphasis being, Buff DoTs by spending soul shards/resource and things of that nature.
I will leave it at that because this is a huge overhaul for the spec (and will likely never happen) and if I went into anymore detail with how this could be accomplished, I would end up writing 5 more pages and It most likely won’t matter anyway because no Dev will ever see this.
I want to end with this statement with this idea aimed specifically at the Devs. Making a class that is fun and rewarding should be your top priority. Buffing or nerfing damage can always be accomplished later. Bring…Back…Warlock…Affliction…Fantasy.
Overall destruction was buffed rougly 16% since the TWW beta, aff is up roughly the same and demo is around 10% since the beta. It’s poor practice to have these issues remain and be reported during beta but not make it live
This ^
what happened to first impression is the best impression?
I was flabbergasted after playing destruction through the alpha and beta cycle just to see the fiesta it became on launch last year. It was so utterly bad that we were playing pre-buff affliction during heroic week and destruction was dead last out of all the specs with moonkin, even after I made almost 5 posts on the beta feedback thread about its tuning being horrendous.
After the buffs, it saw some play during the rwf but warlock as a whole ended up being mediocre again this tier aside from a single boss (court), with 2/3 of our specs completely unviable and unplayable on the mythic endboss (which is rediculous btw). Affliction is still unviable for mythic ansurek and you are actively trolling your raid if you play it for progression.
I posted in a previous thread that affliction has been played during progression in hall of fame for a grand total of 2 end bosses in 7 years (sire because destruction was complete trash tier once again, and G’huun). At this point just buff the spec to have me play something other than demo or destruction at a hall of fame level please.
I’m just flabbergasted by the Rain of Fire stuff at this point.
It was found on Beta; the solution was fairly obvious: buff Chaos Bolt, so it feels worth casting over Rain of Fire!
But no, they did this convoluted bandaid fix to force us off of Rain of Fire while giving no compensation for Chaos Bolt, and now we’re outscaling the bandaid fix you literally cannot make this up
Wondering what brilliant bandaid fix they’ll come up with this time that we will somehow outscale again by the time we get to the third TWW raid.
Seems like they’re just letting Bing AI spit out recommendations for design/tuning updates. Lots of head-scratching changes, and not just for locks.
My guess is that they plan features or bug fixes in advance unless it is game breaking.
If warlocks are not on their radar, good luck getting any issues sorted.
They will probably throw a bone in the form of numeric tunings before the mythic raid.
While locks are dying for any functional/QoL change…
Blizz is busy with, New arms warrior animations - #116 by Kaivax
Honestly never ever seen “them” so disconnected from a class for so long.
Either there is a full rebuild coming or they’ll just state we’re a support class for portals and healthstones and that warrants our DPS and Playstyle issues.|
Honestly, we’re back to 6 months ago where ROF spam is more friendly than CB casts. It feels bad, let alone the state of affliction.
Expect a tone deaf ROF dmg nerf to fix the issue!