11.1 tier set feedback

Since I cant post in the feedback section, idk why, ill share here.

Its simple, you basically don’t know when the tier set is going off as they are mostly so passive. Demon warlock I can see it working since a dreadstocker with a different model shows up while on my mm hunter my auto attacks go up…

The tank sets being random CD’s go off is quite odd too.

I’m so confused, 10.1 tier sets were almost 2 years ago

Do you mean 11.1 tier sets?

I think it’s hilarious amid all the current dust up about weak auras and addons, they release tier sets you basically have to have weak auras to even be aware of.


Does it not show the buff/debuff/proc the same way it shows all other buffs/debuffs/procs?

Sure, but if you can find it at a glance among the 20 other buffs flooding your bar, you’ve better eyes than I.

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They phoned it in bad.

RNG procs, even using the same name, for all tanks, it just so lame.

Zero effort, despite how cool some of the effects may have been.

Prot pally had by far the best effect too, which is…predictable but disappointing.