Tank damage needs a big pass. Because of the way the different talent trees are set up some tanks (warriors/pally/DK) Lose almost no survivability to pick up BiS damage talents and ALSO do 20-30% more damage than the bottom specs. VDH/Monk.
Guardian druids go in a different boat where they do fine dps but ONLY if cat weaving which feels gross. But if they don’t cat-weave then their dps is guttered to ~50% below the top dps tank specs (on pure ST). Which also means that threat is effin weird being from catform dots.
The tank damage scaling needs to be looked into as well.
We started TWW season 1 where the tank:dps damage throughput ratio was around 1:2. Meanwhile it appears that we have 1:3, and when we go the same path as in DF then it will be 1:5 at the end of TWW.
Tanks should profit from better gear and stats similar as dps, and Blizzard should adjust the damage output scaling instead of the threat multiplier to keep the ratio healthy.
raid tank dps isnt really all that important. it would be nice to be balanced but at least for mythic we pick our tanks for buffs/mechanics more than anything. basically what tank i play ends up being based upon what dps are good or not lol.
It’s relevant when the threat difference is more than 70%. I get where you are coming from but 300k or 550k dps difference between optimally played tank specs is wild…
Like approaching the absolute dps value of bringing a monk tank for a buff isn’t worth it to bring a pally tank wild.
I’m just asking for a tuning pass. I don’t really get why you are arguing that balance isn’t good to have lol.
Its likely Brewmaster won’t even be used in RWF given how strong Mistweaver is next tier – And brewmaster has always at least had RWF/Mythic Raiding going for it.
Also like, opener threat between tanks is… Yes there are solutions, i’m aware that a raid group can handle it. But it’s really stupid to have one tank who’s damage is entirely proc based and doesn’t even start really going until 15 seconds into a fight (bear) because it’s all stacking thrash/Ravage procs/cat-weaving (which doesn’t get tank threat multiplier??).
And another tank who has damage cooldowns and can open for 6-800% the threat.
Brewmaster is in the same boat: You need 3 keg smashes + 1 RSK to get Weapons of Order up and running for the 40%+ damage amp: So about 12-15 seconds into the pull.
What ? Warrior has choose between BSV vs swirlies, pally has to choose between sentinel and AW, DK is still squishy for high keys even with the beefest build. What are you talking about?
Whats also funny is that Monk is basically a static build with no variations and you don’t sacrifice anything for your DPS/Survivability. In fact, many of the optional talents geared towards survivability are so incredibly bad that they wouldn’t even increase your EHP by even 0.1% (Staggering Strikes, One with the Wind, Strike At Dawn, Fort Brew: Determination)
I saw somebody post a few weeks ago that more Brewmaster tree abilities should be made baseline, and my immediate thought was, “what would you even spend the points on? there’s nothing in the tree worth taking”.
Another massive problem with Brewmaster damage is that the top end is based around staying in perma high stagger.
For the unaware, we have:
Training of Niuzao, which gives mastery based on stagger level, therefore more attack power.
Dragonfire Brew, which increases Breath of Fire damage based on stagger level. It was THIS ability that primo monk was using in that screenshot back in Dragonflight that prompted Blizzard to announce a nerf to Keg Smash (since the developers don’t even understand Brewmaster logs, I guess).
High Tolerance gives you more Haste based on stagger level, which is… something. I guess.
Improved Niuzao makes the Ox pet do more damage when we Purify, based on our stagger level. Which of course lowers the stagger level.
The main one is Training of Niuzao. High Tolerance gets taken a fair bit. The other two fall in and out of favor depending on things like our tier set bonus.
But the main problem is that HOW you stay in high stagger is by deliberately playing poorly. Don’t purify damage, or do it as little as possible, and put the entire burden on the healer to keep you up with red stagger just so you can do more damage.
It’s horrible design leftover from years ago. It needs to be replaced. The entire spec needs a complete redesign, at this point, it hasn’t gotten hardly any attention despite major game changes like the new talent system.
Tank meta doesn’t affect much on RWF tbh. Prot pally was trash at the start of the season but it was still a WF tank. Unless 1 tank is much more prominent than others, I think they care about utilities more than tank meta.
Its a different meta. Brewmaster was taken because they wanted the 5% damage amp, and also Ring of Peace/monk utility in general. If Mistweaver or WWer was any good, they would have replaced Brewmaster.
I would disagree with this because they would take whatever tanks that offer utilties that they need more, such as grips/blessings/roar/rallying cry/RoP or simply more dmg/mobility. But after all, it’s just our speculation.
All other tanks also have someone to bring the similar utitlities. There are no unique utilities for tanks outside sigils of silence/chains, massgrips, and spellward.