11.1 Protection Paladin PTR Changes

Combining all PTR patch notes for Protection Paladins

Continuing the discussion from Undermine(d) Development Notes:

Paladin 11.1 PTR Patch Notes (Protection Focused)


  • Seal of the Crusader healing reduced by 50%.
  • Lightforged Blessing now heals 1% of health (was 2%).
  • A Just Reward now has a more just reward, its healing increased by 140%.
  • Blinding Light and Repentance now break on a damage threshold instead of breaking on any damage.


  • Strength in Adversity reduced to 3% parry per enemy struck (was 5%).
  • Strength in Adversity now displays with stacks.
  • Cooldown reduction from Uther’s Counsel reduced to 15% (was 30%).
  • Refining Fire damage reduced by 30%.

  • Hero Talents
    • Lightsmith
      • Tempered in Battle: Sacred Weapon’s health redistribution may only occur once per cast.
    • Templar
      • Empyrean Hammer now prefers player targets over creatures/summons.
      • The Hammer of Light implementation has been revamped to resolve issues such as casting delays, tuning difficulties, and the limited scalability of its infrastructure.
      • Hammer of Light now displays the correct amount of damage done by its secondary target damage effect for Retribution Paladin.
      • Hammerfall internal cooldown reduced to 0.1 second.
      • [Undisputed Ruling has been updated] – Hammer of Light grants Shield of the Righteous, erupts a Consecration beneath its target, and increases your Haste by 12% for 6 seconds. Additionally, Eye of Tyr grants 3 Holy Power.
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Currently, this is about 12-13% of our overall healing, with ~60-70% of it going directly to yourself. The nerf will cut that down in half, but will probably not make much of a difference because the healing is trickling in throughout the encounter and not really topping you off for the next hit.

This is a major gain for Protection Paladins because currently we have no reliable AoE stops. The way things are now, it’s almost more of a detriment to use Blinding Light because it breaks immediately and now all of the melee swings, abilities, and casts are sync’d. All while potentially overlapping another, stronger, AoE stop.

Let’s hope the damage threshold is high enough to make it useful.

This is a nerf to tanking trash. We are looking at ~10% drop in Parry. Won’t really make a difference in Boss encounters.

While we are dropping ~10% in Parry, we are gaining an entire seasonal tier in ilvl and secondary stats. We were able to hit the Block cap in season 1 with 27% Mastery, so we can probably funnel the rest of the gains into Crit/Haste and make up some of the loss in big trash pulls while coming out ahead for small or single target encounters.

This is a slight nerf to our immunities. We should still be able to have defensives rotating enough to have these up when we really need it.

Refining Fire currently makes up ~17% of our overall damage. The 30% nerf will bring it down to about 12% of overall DPS. At 639 ilvl, this is ~50k dps loss.

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Unsurprisingly prot gets nerfed.

As it raise in stats, it will only get more CDR which lead to higher uptime on its defensive CD’s.

The design of prot of cycling defensives is irredeemably impossible to manage in a context of growth.

It will never naturally scale with the rest of the game.

It will always need to be adjusted to be at around the same level of uptime.

Then a new expac will come and they’ll buff those things back up.

You’re just putting band-aids on a flawed design blizz, rework it already.

The experiment is not sustainable.


The nerf to Lightforged Blessing is a pretty big nerf because that’s about a 40-50 mil healing drop in the dungeons. The nerf to Strength in Adversity and Refining Fire won’t be that noticeable, but the nerf to Uther’s will be noticeable because that’s an extra 30s+ for bubble resets.

With a new season and new gear were going to be getting more and more haste and mastery which helps to counteract some of the nerfs. An extra 8-10% more haste will make our defensives reset quicker.

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It seems big, but at the same time not really impactful. It’s 40-50 mil over the course of the dungeon, but it trickles in.

This is be the most noticeable change, but most players won’t notice it because they weren’t using them on CD. With the nerf it’s still going to be better than pre 11.0.5.