11.1 Patch: Warrior Woes or Just Another Challenge?

Hey everyone, have you tried out the new 11.1 patch yet? Looks like our warrior experience in PVP is getting a little extra seasoning this time around. How are you working around the nerfs—got any cool strategies or just need to vent? Share your thoughts and let’s keep the conversation going, whether it’s a battle plan or just a good laugh about it!

nerfs arnt in till tuesday so hard to say, the 15% nerf to fury rampage just makes avatar a net neutral cd compared to the dmg we do now. that being said a good critting Rampage on ptr in full conq/cds/stacks was a 6mil hit on a 14-15mil hp pool. that same rampage now is almost 4mil on 7-8mil hp pools, hp doubles when were full S2 gear, dmg doesnt. so idk how its gonna play out, im seeing affy/rogue and boomy dh as the comps that will be running things unfort.

I read the notes on fury, arms, and protection. My point of view is arms is dead on arrival that was no nerf, that was a fracking hammer smashing skull into dust. As for fury, right now I need to use three sets of buffs for my regular abilities like rampage to hit hard enough, and fast enough. I never use all three at once, in pvp you never blow all your cds at once. So my guess is fury is screwed. As for protection, it looks like the drought for tanks is going to continue for a long time to come. People will not forget this, and those who been around long enough wont forget the last time, when shield barrier first came out with gladiator stance.

My guess is this is being done to fury at least because there are rookies going around blasting off all damage cds and then using rampage, making the appearance that rampage is op in pvp. Maybe some streamer who has the best gear set up possible, is yelling that rampage is op. I do not know for sure on this point just a hunch.

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as i pointed out above, rampage when used with full stacks/cds and critting did near or exactly 4mil on 7 to 8 mil hp pools, problem is next season when everyone is in conq that dmg in the same scenario goes from 4mil to 6mil when hp goes from 7-8mil to 14-15mil. this was an early knee jerk reaction and i pointed out in another thread warriors are in for another season of multiple 3% buffs sporadically throughout the season to make up for this overreaction.

I can agree with your statement, as you had already said, its based on someone blowing all cds at once with rampage. You may get away with that in a arena, but not a battleground. You got to save some for multiple tactical scenarios, or for the next red that comes along. Anyways the JA devs will do whatever they please. As for the op its just another day as warrior, nothing new. We get into good nich, not overpowering slot, and they panic, and nerf us into the next incarnation.