111 Lavabursts 212k each, 23 frosbolts 150k each. What?

111 Lavaburst hits 212k each, 23 frosbolt hits 150k each. What?

Is elemental shaman extremely broken right now??? TF?

how did u cast 111 lava burst

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I am the mage of mages.

the fact that u have 2 characters that r both bald females makes me very unhappy


Same for me when it comes to fighting ret paladins. Their insta range is doing more damage than my casted vampiric touch and mind blast. It’s absurd.

Just another reason I should have listened to the youtubers a few weeks ago who said shadow priests were going to be middle tier at best.

And I quote…

“Only play it if you love the class because blizzard doesn’t right now”

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He pressed teh button 27 times but got 111 hits lol

Please do not make gameplay decisions off of youtube, I beg.


I am quitting and cancelling my subscription until they give us ring+ice nova and dragons breath all 3 at once. GGs blizz and I love the sht out of frost mage. This is a royal screw up.

I held off on buying expansion until I see how much effort is put into adjusting classes. I haven’t bought the GW2 one either. Got a month to decide, but right now the GW2 expansion is winning slightly.

An elemental shaman cast one flame shock on my spriest. Since the game was already over, I wanted to see how much damage it would do.

The one flame shock literally took off 50% of my health. Yes, he used the volcanic ability with it.

And yes, I have full conquest gear.

Another month of this and nobody will be left playing.

Hey fungamesttv I’ve managed to get 240k average frostbolts with crits hitting for 350-400. Have you tried the DN build?


Post up some proof

How do you always have the dumbest things to say


Oh god, I didn’t even know you could do that. :rofl:

Tbf bald female orc is bis

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Fb and lava burst arent exactly equivalent but thats a pretty large difference.

My backstab tooltip is 12k lmao why did my class go in this direction

Yes Ele is broken a f in pre-patch, such is life.

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