11.1 Holy Tree Gives Me Anxiety

I’m having a really hard time finding a build with this new tree. We’re forced to take every non-damage ability in the top half of the tree but then in the bottom half I’m having a real hard time trying to figure out any good play. It feels like no matter what direction I want to go I’m missing out on key abilities that would be necessary for that particular build.

I’m legitimately having anxiety trying to come up with a build. Am I alone? Did I have too much coffee; need to step away from the game? Are there other people out there that find this new tree as frustrating as I do?


There’s lots of guide writers testing away that’ll have some builds ready to go for you. If it’s giving you anxiety creating your own Id suggest just waiting for the updated guides. Copy and paste seems like a lot less stress :slight_smile:

I’m hoping they do some tuning when Season 2 starts on March 4 that buffs Prayer of Healing and Prayer of Mending bit more. Both still feel undertuned for 5-mans. It just can’t be the case that POH is essentially worthless to cast by itself without either Lightweaver charges, Prayer Circle, or Resonant Words buffing it. And really, it only feels decent to cast when all 3 are in effect.


Nice Poefosho! I’m not the only one rocking the Woven Dusk set for Disc. Love it. Usually get between 20-30% uptime in M+.

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Yes! Thank you. I would probably do a different “embellishment” if I was raiding, but I think the proc-based functionality of the Woven Dusk set works well for M+ pulls.

You’re not alone.

I feel like I hit the bottom of the tree and have no points even though I have the max available. The whole thing is just a feels bad.


I have sat and come up with 3-4 different builds for Holy and I honestly have no idea which one is goign to be the best. They all have a lot of pros & cons to them.

It will take a few weeks before we iron out what’s the main cookie cutter.

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It’s actually my favorite iteration of Holy, but I am a very casual player nowadays so I’d never be able to test it on anything above a normal raid. Here are my talents:


Really fun for me. I have enough hotkeys for every active ability, heal well, DPS decently. Even learned a few tricks to make runs with randoms go smoother. Feels like a solid rewarding healing spec.

I’m just so grumpy about the whole thing. I watched raid guides and as usual raid CDs are needed during high movement. I feel a lot less reactive overall outside of Apotheosis.

I was hopeful the whole thing would be saved by classic Serendipity gameplay but we don’t even take PoH.

There is a decent window with Apotheosis adding the three instant casts where you can do Sanctify, Apotheosis, PoH, Sanctify, PoH, Sanctify, PoH, and Sanctify. Those would all be instant and able to be done while moving. I think that’s going to be a significant play this season, though I admit that I haven’t even seen any of the raid.

In good M+ groups, there wasn’t much healing to do outside of very particular healing phases. Holy didn’t have the toolkit to deal with that but now it does.

It still feels bad for me and I can’t figure out why. I think it’s just the dud choices in the bottom few rows of the tree. Shame that the increase to our Mastery talent is now second from the bottom instead of in the middle–I really enjoy that talent but it’s eating half of the small number of talent points we have down there.

I miss CoH… not sure why it was removed. Salvation is missing too… I do not like.


Holy is 100% dead to me in M+ because of this. Tried Lightweaver + Prayer Circle to drop Sanctify/POH/POH x2 and still didn’t really like it. POH is too weak when unavoidable AOE surges do 5 million damage per second across the group. Sanc has got the juice, but the radius increase still frequently misses somebody. Apotheosis can’t be up for every big damage + movement event.

And I liked doing damage on holy, locking that behind FOUR talent points can just piss off.

I hate the short duration on atonement but disc gets the healing checks done without taking risks. Mobility is king, stationary HPS is worthless. So holy is for raid only and disc is for M+.


Most of this rework honestly was unneccessary to try to boost us to be decent in M+ imo however I feel like it finally just broke us.

I also really hate that renew is a 12 second cd and CoH is gone and that PoH is now basically useless and a choice to make.

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Numbers wise, I think PoH is about the same as Flash Heal. The fact that it’s a smart heal really makes it viable in raid. I would have preferred them to buff it and not make it a smart heal, and keep CoH, so that PoH was the default for M+ burst (where mana isn’t as scarce) and CoH useful for raid healing.

But here we are. PoH, empowered with the Holy Words, is viable as being our top heal below Echo of Light. It eats mana but if we can get comfortable “weaving” it between Holy Words I think it’s manageable.

Divine Hymn fell off a cliff.

As I said in another thread, try taking Empowered Renew and using it in place of CoH (ignore how much it heals for). Take all the cooldown reduction abilities and try weaving Holy Word, PoM, Empowered Renew, PoH, Holy Word, PoH, Holy Word, PoH, Flash Heal with Surge of Light procs when they happen, PoM, Empowered Renew, Holy Word, PoH, Holy Word, PoH, Flash Heal, Holy Word… it has a rhythm that reminds me of the previous season. I was having trouble finding a rhythm.

I’ll see how the next couple weeks go, but without the reliable on the go AOE heal that was CoH, I’m not sure what I’m going to do. It, renew and holy nova on the move were my go to AOE healing setup. I wasn’t a fan of apotheosis in raid, throwing out wasted heals to get more holy words is not interesting gameplay to me. The suggested lightweaver gameplay this past season felt like garbage whack-a-mole, of which is now still one of the better options.

Seriously disappointed and wish I had tried it out on the PTR to find a play style I might have liked before the season started.

Though feedback would have been useless obviously, as it wasn’t even afforded to us.

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This is the current build I’m leaning towards for raid after the tier set.


We were running CoH and while it felt good, if I remember correctly, it really didn’t perform well.

The Apotheosis should be a more passive thing with the exception that now you can push it every two minutes and get three instant AoE smart heals with PoH and the talent. And the Lightweaver in my build I think can just be ignored, try not to maximize it. But if you don’t like it move the point.

I have three spell bars and my top left buttons are copies of my Holy Words so I can see when they’re up. There’s also weakauras for it. CoH didn’t heal for much so what we’re really losing is the usefulness of pushing that button on cooldown while moving. Empowered Renew can replace this and while it doesn’t heal for much, it has the same cooldown as CoH did and does help reset Sanctify. On the move we do have Holy Nova and…

… you can also use Sanctify while moving. If you can’t manage the targeting of it you can use this macro “/cast [@player] Holy Word: Sanctify” and it will instantly cast it at your location like with Holy Nova. The range increase talent can be used as well if you want to pull those from the right side Answered Prayers and PoM stuff. I believe that PoM will primarily be used to proc Apotheosis, which while active with this build will increase your healing by 20%.

I think the key is to make sure that you’re casting your Holy Words spaced out with PoH or Flash Heal casts. I know it may seem like you would have to manage Apotheosis windows and Lightweaver stuff, but I honestly think you could just let it happen passively and still perform well.

Sanctify, Sanctuary, Flash Heal, and PoH being the bread and butter. Single target vs group healing as called for. If Renew without the Empowered talent reduces the cooldown of Sanctify still, drop the talent and continue to cast Renews on the move. They’ll proc Surge of Light and help reduce Sanctify.

I dunno man. I’m older too and I was pretty bummed out. I really really really didn’t want to try to manage how many stacks I have if this or that. I just wanted to play and react. I thought I felt a lot like how you felt and was really discouraged. When I realized that (I think this is the case but I could be wrong) all I had to do was be a little more liberal with the Holy Words and ensure that I weaved them with either Flash Heal or Prayer of Healing and let the build do the rest passively, even if my rotation wasn’t perfect, I felt a lot better.

Also maybe try something like this


And use the @player macro I have above for Sanctify in place of CoH. Make sure you’re near other people, which you should have been used to if you used Holy Nova like I did. Try out casting Prayer of Healing more frequently and see how your healing is after the fight. I’ve been running the Nerubian Palace raid in Heroic to try the new builds because I’m not freaking out like I know I will be in the new raid and I won’t die if I’m a little clunky.

P.S. @cursor will cast Sanctify wherever your mouse is and can be used instead of @player. It’s easier for some people, especially while on the move.

PoH is not a smart heal; it’s still the target and the 4 nearest.

“Prayer of Healing now prioritizes nearby injured targets instead of the closest targets.”

I’ve always been pretty decent with sanctify (I posted a link on the other thread to some logs) and nearly all of my spells are already macros, the old drawn out classic ones that I’ve had saved on this toon over the course of 20 years. :wink:

As I said in the other thread, I know I’m overreacting, but I’ve really enjoyed the renew/CoH play style since S2 of DF and I’m going to miss it. I’m sure I’ll find something I like, if not, there are other classes/specs. All I really like to do is raid and delve, plus I only really enjoy healing and is the sole reason I play this game. I still love holy in delves, especially now with Tank Brann, whom I was able to push over 2.5m DPS in a t11 with rage idol equipped.

PoH is a smart heal. It’s castable CoH basically.

There has been several bosses this season on Mythic that have long segments where you’re moving nonstop for 10-20s straight. The only way you can deal with that is by using Apotheosis coupled with Halo or get an Aug to cast SP on you so you can cast while moving.

Outside of casting Renew, Holy Words, and PoM we have nothing to cast while mobile outside of being in Apotheosis.

Forced movement is far worse on Disc then Holy though.