This is the current build I’m leaning towards for raid after the tier set.
We were running CoH and while it felt good, if I remember correctly, it really didn’t perform well.
The Apotheosis should be a more passive thing with the exception that now you can push it every two minutes and get three instant AoE smart heals with PoH and the talent. And the Lightweaver in my build I think can just be ignored, try not to maximize it. But if you don’t like it move the point.
I have three spell bars and my top left buttons are copies of my Holy Words so I can see when they’re up. There’s also weakauras for it. CoH didn’t heal for much so what we’re really losing is the usefulness of pushing that button on cooldown while moving. Empowered Renew can replace this and while it doesn’t heal for much, it has the same cooldown as CoH did and does help reset Sanctify. On the move we do have Holy Nova and…
… you can also use Sanctify while moving. If you can’t manage the targeting of it you can use this macro “/cast [@player] Holy Word: Sanctify” and it will instantly cast it at your location like with Holy Nova. The range increase talent can be used as well if you want to pull those from the right side Answered Prayers and PoM stuff. I believe that PoM will primarily be used to proc Apotheosis, which while active with this build will increase your healing by 20%.
I think the key is to make sure that you’re casting your Holy Words spaced out with PoH or Flash Heal casts. I know it may seem like you would have to manage Apotheosis windows and Lightweaver stuff, but I honestly think you could just let it happen passively and still perform well.
Sanctify, Sanctuary, Flash Heal, and PoH being the bread and butter. Single target vs group healing as called for. If Renew without the Empowered talent reduces the cooldown of Sanctify still, drop the talent and continue to cast Renews on the move. They’ll proc Surge of Light and help reduce Sanctify.
I dunno man. I’m older too and I was pretty bummed out. I really really really didn’t want to try to manage how many stacks I have if this or that. I just wanted to play and react. I thought I felt a lot like how you felt and was really discouraged. When I realized that (I think this is the case but I could be wrong) all I had to do was be a little more liberal with the Holy Words and ensure that I weaved them with either Flash Heal or Prayer of Healing and let the build do the rest passively, even if my rotation wasn’t perfect, I felt a lot better.
Also maybe try something like this
And use the @player macro I have above for Sanctify in place of CoH. Make sure you’re near other people, which you should have been used to if you used Holy Nova like I did. Try out casting Prayer of Healing more frequently and see how your healing is after the fight. I’ve been running the Nerubian Palace raid in Heroic to try the new builds because I’m not freaking out like I know I will be in the new raid and I won’t die if I’m a little clunky.
P.S. @cursor will cast Sanctify wherever your mouse is and can be used instead of @player. It’s easier for some people, especially while on the move.