11.1 Fire Mage Feedback Thread

Hello all! This thread is dedicated to feedback about Fire Mages in patch 11.1 - announced changes, remaining issues of the specialization and so on.

Feedback about announced changes:

  • Reduction to number / cooldown increase of instants compensated by buffs to Fireball, Pyroblast and Phoenix Flames has its pros and cons in PVE (less instants, but more meaningful damage from them), but might require additional compensation in PVP. The only thing Fire has in PVP over Arcane and especially Frost is hard to disrupt / mobile rotation and less instants can reduce viability of a spec that already is performing not that well there. Fireball buff does not mean much in PVP since opponents would simply not allow to cast it, so there could be additional PVP only buffs to Fire to compensate for reduced number of instants. And now requiring a PVP talent slot just to enable old behaviour of Heat Shimmer in PVP is also a not needed nerf in PVP (10% damage buff to Scorch is not enough to be worth the price of additional PVP talent slot now required to be taken to use instant Heat Shimmer) and should be compensated too.
  • Pyroblast and Flamestrike mana cost changes are a good change to address Fire’s latest mana issues. Consider also giving an option to cast Flamestrike centered on target like you did for Rain of Fire and Earthquake to address another annoying issue with Flamestrike - necessity to manually target or cursor it every few seconds in AoE rotation.

Unaddressed issues:

  • Living Bomb situation is still not resolved and it still provides too low value for amount of talents required to invest into it, especially against low target count of enemies. That leads to recently reworked right side of Fire’s talent tree being severely underplayed and should be addressed.
    Suggestion: Remove spread of Living Bomb and buff its damage and proc chance accordingly. The only thing this spread mechanic does is creating headaches for its balancing for several expansions in a row and it is the main gatekeeper to keeping its base damage and proc chance low to prevent it from scaling crazy against larger packs. No spread would allow to tune its proc rate / base damage to meaningful values without worrying about such scaling issues and allow to additionally better tune its single-target value via Convection.
  • Fire Mage’s specialization has moved from big chunky hits to damage over time based playstyle that is heavily based on Ignite. Some people like that playstyle, so it should be kept, but there should be a more direct damage focused alternative for people who like that and don’t want to play a Destruction Warlock for that feeling of directly damaging fire focused caster.
    Suggestion: Create multiple choice nodes between existing talents that booost Ignite damage and new talents that would instead provide a boost to direct damage abiltiies. For example - Controlled Destruction could become a choice node with talent that would instead make Fireball / Frostfire Bolt and Pyroblast apply stacking debuff that makes target more susceptible to direct damage hits, Intensifying Flames could become a choice node with talent that would boost direct damage of Fireball / Frostfire Bolt and Pyroblast against enemies below 50% of health and so on. Goal of such choice nodes would be to provide players with possibility to customize their build’s profile themselves via picking between bigger direct / bursty damage and bigger spreadable damage over time and letting them pick either or mix of both to the extent that would suit their playstyle.
  • Ignite itself could use gameplay / QoL improvements too. Its 9 seconds duration and no possibility to quicken or consume it lead to most of Fire Mage’s damage being stacked and infinitely delayed - you can have big amount of damage stored in Ignite but that does not matter much since all targets would take only a fraction of it before dying. That could be improved too.
    Suggestion: Create a new choice node in Fire talent tree that would allow to address this Ignite delayed damage issue in 2 different manners (for better player choice options and build diversity):
    Quickened Burn - Ignite now does all its damage over X seconds (where X is accordingly tuned value that is lower than 9). Such option would allow to make Ignite damage passively trigger faster and accordingly each target to get more damage from stacked Ignite before dying.
    Fulminate - active instant ability with Y seconds cooldown that allows to consume Ignite on selected target(s) and deal X% of stored Ignite damage to its wielder instantly. Such option would be fitting for players who want to both get more benefit from Ignite and have more control over that than simply faster tick rate and can be useful to make more value from Ignite against enemy that is close to dying (where dying would make most of remaining stored Ignite damage wasted) or enemy that is about to enter invulnerability period.
  • Fire Mages also have several talents in their talent tree that are undertuned and could use improvements or boosts. These include:
    Inflame - provides 10% damage increase to Ignite triggered only by Hot Streak affected spells when its analogues often provide 15-20% damage increase to Ignite in general with some manageable conditions. Needs a buff.
    Fevered Incantation / Fire’s Ire - for 2 third gate talent point cost provide comparable value to second gate talents Wildfire and Critical Mass. Need a buff or even better - just make Fevered Incantation and Fire’s Ire into 1 point investment with full current effect for their price to match their value and better build diversity in third gate.
    Pyromaniac - as a third gate talent provides average 3% damage increase to Pyroblast and Flamestrike which is lower than some other first gate talents like Surging Blaze. That makes its value too low for a third gate talent and it needs a buff, preferably both to proc rate (for better reliability) and proc value.
    Hyperthermia - is not reliable enough and being RNG based is badly compatible with high Combustion uptime that while active negates most of its benefits. Maybe some players like such RNG proc implementation, so it could be kept, but there should be an alternative for people who want to use it more reliably and don’t mind additional managing.
    Suggestion: Make Hyperthermia proc a choice node with Hyperthermia as active ability with X seconds cooldown. That seems like a viable compromise - players that don’t want additional management and don’t mind its RNG nature can continue playing proc version and people who want to use it more effectively or have high Combustion uptime that reduces value of RNG proc can play the active version instead and use it when it is suitable for them.
    Deep Impact - provides too low value for Sunfury builds and its secondary Living Bomb effect provides too low value after all the nerfs to Living Bomb. Could use a boost.
    Firefall - still has odd design where it is located in AoE part of tree and procs an AoE ability, but is stacked and triggered exclusively by single-target abilities. Consider adding Flamestrike to its spells list to make it more compatible with AoE situations too.
  • Fire Mage also has several undertuned or too niche PVP talents (including changed in 11.1) that could use work. These include:
    Glass Cannon - you sacrifice a PVP talent slot and 30% of health to deal 20% more damage with Fireball, Scorch and Ignite which translates to 5-10% total damage increase at most, so pretty much pay a PVP talent slot to make your general PVP performance worse. This talent simply occupies a PVP talent option slot / design space and can create a trap for new players, so should be removed and replaced.
    Ring of Fire - another talent whose redesign made its purpose very questionable. Even as a Fire Mage - why would you want to spend a PVP talent slot to replace Ring of Frost with longer crowd control duration with pretty much similar ability, but with lower control duration and minor damage over time attached? Some players might advocate that it also changes crowd control type from incapacitate to disorient, but that does not change much, since it would simply share diminishing returns with Dragon’s Breath (which you often use first to even be able to cast Ring of X and which would likely put Ring of Fire itself on diminishing returns) instead of with Polymorph. This talent does not seem worth a PVP talent slot and should be buffed or redesigned again.

If you have additional feedback about Fire Mage in 11.1 and beyond - you can post it in comments below. Thank you for reading!

Links to feedback post(s) about other Mage specializations:
Frost Mage - 11.1 Frost Mage Feedback Thread
Arcane Mage - 11.1 Arcane Mage Feedback Thread


Looking for a mage thread to complain about frostfire. I thought the theme was to combine frost and fire into one cool combo that is a part of the class / spec identity. So why is hitting 6 mastery on frost and fire causing the cool frostfire burst into comet and meteor cds? I want to see more not less. Build more upon the theme, don’t keep it separate.

Frostfire absolutely has a proc overload problem - but this solution of gating resources is super weird. Suppose you get an FFB proc but you already have the Phoenix Flames proc you’re waiting to use because you don’t have any PF charges. Now you can’t use your filler (which was the intent) because you really want to use the PF proc before you go down the proc chain…this just sounds so awkward.

Skb is also completely de-synergized from Sunfury so if you liked that play style (kill me, I do) then you’re stuck with this strange meteor thing…I dunno, this sounds kinda crappy…

Feedback about latest changes:

  • Nerf to proc rate of Hyperthermia is odd, since it both heavily disrupted balance between Sun King’s Blessing and Unleashed Inferno (towards former) and made already questionable talent to pick much less competitive, especially since it is already gated behind several weak (for third gate level) talents. Please reconsider this nerf or at least provide proper compensation for builds that used it. It is also a good opportunity to make it a choice node between active ability with X seconds cooldown and RNG proc to provide both different players and different playstyles (including those that have high uptime of Combustion and get diminished value from RNG proc that cannot proc during it) with fitting options.
  • Fireheart PVP talent was removed and not Glass Cannon that is literally detrimental to take and a massive new players trap? Please remove Glass Cannon and replace with something else.
  • Ring of Fire PVP talent with current level is simply not competitive enough with other PVP talents (that provide boosts and not sidegrade / downgrade like new Ring of Fire) and needs a buff or another redesign.
  • Buffs to Sunfury’s Phoenix damage in PVP are nice, but these buffs won’t help much mainly because spec has design flaws in PVP. Phoenix is immobile and enemies can just outrange or LoS it and avoid majority of its damage, buffed or not. Gravity Lapse in PVP is another root that Mages simply don’t need (especially at the cost of Dragon’s Breath) and its alternative utility option provides low value (there are not always effects to Spellsteal and even when there are Mage would often want them for himself / herself). Merely a Setback is very bad as a defensive node in PVP where boost to Avoidance does not matter much and Leech provides low value. If you want to have Sunfury picked in PVP more these design issues should be addressed firsthand - Phoenix should be capable of moving and chase its targets or follow the summoner, Gravity Lapse should stun at least primary target or at least disorient affected enemies in PVP instead of PVE stunning (this way it would be a ranged analogue of Dragon’s Breath and still an upgrade in PVP) and Merely a Setback could use a PVP or even general buff.

Yeah, I’m kind of disappointed with the Hyperthermia nerf, which seems heavily geared towards pushing Fireball and reducing Combustion uptime via Kindling. I like that it gave something to do/react to between Combustion cycles, as the Sunfury build doesn’t really have any other interactive mechanics to it. (And calling Hyperthermia “interactive” is already a bit of a stretch.) My guess is that this will make Firefall the competitive choice, which is still just another purely passive talent (much like all of the Lit Fuse talents).

As for PvP, I have a hard time seeing Fire being remotely competitive going into 11.0. Alter Time remains dispellable and is now subject to dampening, making it pretty awful after the first use. Sunfury heavily relies on consistent damage to reduce the Combustion CD, and there’s virtually no way you’re going to be spamming Fireballs and not be insta-kicked. The loss of an additional PF further gives you fewer buttons to press while avoiding a kick. And the change to Frostfire’s proc functionality is also going to be pretty terrible to play around.

I really think Fire’s PvP talent choices need a total overhaul. Aside from the shoo-ins, there isn’t anything to pick from that doesn’t either actively gimp you (Improved GInvis forcing you out of a barrier, the atrocity that is Glass Cannon) or doesn’t feel useless in most scenarios (a rare proc to give 1 second off a weak Scorch? Ethereal Blink? World in Flames?). At the very least I’d like to see the Ice Nova / Ring of Frost choice node reverted so we have at least some additional utility to play around with.

And for the love of god, please do something with Ice Wall. It’s incredible when it works, but is so insanely buggy (e.g. fears sending anyone right through the wall, pets being able to go right through it, some specs being able to jump over/through it, the targeting being a mess and nearly impossible to actually practice using…)

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As an elemental and shadow priest player. I would love to play mage occasionally but having flamestrike not work like Spriest and Ele makes this spec out of reach for me accessibility wise. Please prioritize making it so all ground targeted abilities have the option to cast at target!!! Lets make the spec more accessible by just making flamestrike have a node that lets you cast it at target!


I think the fundamental goal of reducing the instant cast spam is fine, we’re not BM hunters. We’ll see if it actually plays out.

My main worry with these latest changes is tuning. Looking at admittedly preliminary sims that people at AT have run, Fire is looking to be ~15-20% behind frost in ST. Without further changes we’re looking at the 5th tier in a row where, at the start of the season, fire is an undertuned meme of a spec.

I guess I’ll slap it here

Thank you for the skb/ui tuning. Having balance between SKB and UI is a fantastic tuning update. Being able to choose and swap between them has made this version of fire the most diverse and playable version since shadowlands when we could choose between venthyr and night fae. Much love on this change <3

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One weird last ask for the patch would be to have a way to hide the Sunfury Orbs. Either via a vendor/npc or a glyph. Just something so I can stop having them interfere with my mog. Wouldve loved the orbs like 2 expacs ago before we got the Kaelthas/blood mage green orbs with the mage headdress from Remix.

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Yeah, I get that we’re supposed to be able to count them easily, but outside of opener I’m never paying attention to them, and they look so silly as-is…would love if we could hide/customize them to float like prior orbs. While we’re at it, would be great if the Phoenix could follow us around as well…just flapping in place like a flaccid little turret is also pretty silly looking / frustrating when it can be outranged/LOS’d if there’s any movement involved or in PvP.