11.1 Destro or BM

Howdy all, don’t really know what to main come 11.1 as I play both. Mainly casual, nothing crazy. My lock is 629 and I think my hunter is 622. What is everyone thinking about destro and BM as a main. only got time for 1.

Thanks, and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Depends on what your goals/game mode that you play?

Both are pretty good choices and excel at different things.

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Destro as of this moment is wrongly tuned. RoF single target is kicking out more than CB ST…

Meaning if you want to maximise your output you wont cast CB but only ROF spam (again - we’ve been here 6 months ago).

Honestly until they fix Destro’s tuning & mobility issues… BM is more user friendly and will most likely kick out more DPS.

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