11.1 Dark Ranger - many talents bugged


Dark ranger is severely underperforming in 11.1 for MM due to both bugs and balancing issues:

  • shadow surge is bugged (dealing extremely low damage)
  • withering fire additional arrows are bugged
  • dark hounds damage is bugged (not shadow for all attacks as implied by the tooltip)
  • you are not healed for shadow damage done by shadow hounds

In addition to these bugs:

  • withering fire is undertuned and almost useless as a cap talent
  • soul drinker never procs and is useless

Please fix asap

Dark ranger is unplayable


Oh I thought they had nerfed dark ranger to the ground. Its so dumb of little damage Black Arrow does… Absolutely unplayable

About halfway through the PTR cycle Blizzard ‘fixed bugs’ causing Dark Ranger to ‘do more damage than intended’. It whent largly unnoticed.

People were happy the got a pet back. On PTR, most people weren’t playing Dark Ranger. It was all about PLBM. If you said anything, you were told DR gets a tactical nuke by people that weren’t trying it.

For MM, Sentinel is right over there. Now, it is the way.

Chorus respond - It is the way.

Almost every Dark Ranger talent is bugged right now.

For a class with a huge playerbase the devs seem to do a poor job managing it.