So my disc priest loses rapture, my ele shaman loses prim wave and ancestral guidance for apparently no real reason, but my beast mastery hunter can now have bestial wrath active at nearly 90% uptime???
Yeah definitely what I wanted, thanks blizz. /puke
I’m nw about a pruning patch, it’s just an ongoing back-and-forth.
Defo the dam threshold on all cc that sent me packing. It reduces risk and reward, further enables a player to succeed by tunneling their pve roto, etc.
And has a permanent passive 15% bigger shielding to compensate. This is a net pve buff, and you still have 2x pain sup, dome, uppies, and swap as cds to rotate through.
And gets a permanent +80% on healing stream totem and bigger healing surges and primwave is reworked to prim storm and results in more burst aoe damage; it literally got buffed.
They actually had that already, it was just better to spec into different talents.
your responses are kinda focusing on the pve aspect of things, there was a reason I posted this in the pvp section… I don’t know how these things will affect pve and am not worried about that in the slightest.
Also, I play ele shaman not enhance, there is no bigger healing surges, the prim wave rework for ele is a nerf as far as we can see right now for ele the way theyve described it, it may be better for enhance idk. All we got was the 80% increase for healing tide, yeah no thanks.
I understand that, and that’s why I replied in the pvp section! Disc already has a TON of external CDs, which I mentioned, but has lower “sustained” throughput than other healers. This change helps adjust that and will likely be better. You don’t need to trade a CD if your throughput is high enough, ya know?
Then you’d know how good the change to HST will be!
It’s not a small buff at all. Play some games with hst amd ag and imagine if HST was 2x as big! It’s legitimately a solid change.
Also, ele prim wave functions very similar to how it does now, but with fewer globals & opportunities for the enemy to react for ele after the patch!
cc breaking when there is loads of AOE is terrible game design, this is actually great for the game and it still has risk and reward get over it, now you gotta learn to dispel instead of not pressing it ever, you guys crying about good changes that will actually make the game better should just pack up and leave then.
This is a good thing. Hard for any CC to stick when people play in a mob and every class has a m+ aoe rotation baked into every ability hitting everything in a 20 yard radius passively.
The threshhold still won’t really change much I imagine unless its a generous. I still think mages will passively break their own polys as frostfire from infusion and the other stuff.
I also imagine judgement clobbering everything in a radius will break their own reps too. List goes on we’ll have to see how generous it is but with how much AOE their is in alot of basic rotational abilities and how hard they hit I can’t imagine it will feel insane or anything unless its a REALLY generous threshhold.