There have been several threads on the other mage specs, and now with the most recent arcane mage changes, I think it’s best to have one collated for Arcane as well. This will be regarding the most recent 11.1 PTR changes as of 1/15/2025.
I had mentioned that this may benefit sunfuy, but I don’t think it will. There are some direct nerfs to sunfury as well because of this that again make barraging more burdensome
- By no longer being able to consume Nether Precision with barrage, we now will have to game Glorious incandescence and Aethervision. This again will just delay things, and worsen our AOE rotation.
- In Arcane Soul, this is a direct nerf. We often overcap on Clear casting during this, and would use Arcane missiles to generate/consume the procs and generate nether precision. This is a large nerf to Arcane Soul as well with this and a 10% buff to barrage does not cover this change.
Arcane Barrage
The most recent change to Arcane Barrage remove it from Nether Precision. The goal of this was to remove complexity from barrage conditions, but I think this may have the opposite effect. Aether vision and NP is one of the few reasons that barrage was worth pressing given current tuning. Aethervision is a more convoluted way of double dipping requiring a separate buff tracker. Again, you had lightning in a bottle with the initial release with NP double dipping, and I implore you to revert it.
The most recent change removes Barrage from interacting with nether precision entirely, now having Aethervision be the barrage modifier. This has a few problems.
- The only way to gain Aethervision is to cast Arcane blast after clear casting.
–This greatly affects our AOE. We are now casting 2 single target blasts after a proc to do our main AOE spender. Arcane was already now the more niche mage spec in M+, and this will likely push it further down and have more ramp time. As an already target capped spec, this will feel very bad
–This may make Sunfury better, as you were already doing this to proc burden of power. But this doesn’t feel any better.
- Spellslinger Arcane is going to generate far less splinters in AOE
–This change will make it so casting missiles into a barrage in AOE will no longer create arcane splinters. Only Arcane Orb will generate splinters now without casting an arcane blast in AOE.
–If this change goes live I suspect Spellslinger Arcane will more or less be dead in M+ scenario. You’ll have significantly less orb resets, less CC procs, and less shard damage. Part of why you were able to generate so many orbs is sending missles and using the nether precisions on barrages to get more splinters.
- Barrage still has tons of modifiers and will still likely need a weakaura to play around
– The amount of modifiers from orb resets, Aethervision resets, resonance, and now Aethervision granting one shard are all going to have to be weighted against other spells. Currently, there are enough modifiers to barrage. My biggest worry will be cases that barrage is too weak, and we go back to BFA turret arcane blast mage.
- Arcing Cleave
– Arcing cleave is a talent in the first gate that is mandatory in any cleave scenario. It requires us to take all of our first gate talent points in any situation with more than 1 target. I don’t think this happens with any other spec. Other specs get their AOE included, and I think it should be baseline. It’s also target capped at 5, and could be expanded to 8 but that’s asking a lot.
Again. You had lightening in a bottle with double dipping NP. It was not over powered, it was a mechanic that has existed, and was still more intuitive than this.
My solution to the barrage problem, if you’re dead set on keeping aethervisionis to make it work with NP again, and just shorten Aethervision duration. It removes any decision on stacking buffs, and mimics the gameplay of double dipping. It also doesn’t remove/revamp Arcane’s AOE
Arcane Explosion
Arcane Explosion is a spell that has lacked any relevancy for this expansion. It was the primary AOE builder for the previous iterations, and is currently not worth casting. There are several talents that effect it, but are not worth taking.
I do think the damage needs to be subsantially increased. Currently, especially with aethervision, a weak arcane explosion just cant compete against an arcane blast that can refund charges down the line. I also wasn’t the biggest fan of spamming explosion in melee in dungeons, but it’s sad to see this spell have 0 utility out of speed clearing old content.
Capstone Talents
High Voltage, Concentration, Leysight/Leydrinker are all cpastone talents that have not been taken since it’s most recent rework. High Voltage was killed due to Aethervision granting charges, and Leysight/Leydrinker are undertuned. Concentration is completely meaningless as a talent. I hope that in 12.0, the capstone talents are revisited, as it is disappointing that so many of them are worse than gate 1 talents in terms of power.
Overall, I’m very disheartened by these changes. Rather than changing the spec for the better, this change will likely make spellslinger arcane much worse, and the spec less healthy overall.
They had ways to change Barrage to make it reasonable, or go back to the way that everyone liked that was easy to play, but instead it’s more or less completely changed from the very fun PTR version and early TWW versions. Hopefully more changes will come.