11.1 A Fire Inside placement

In Dragonflight we had an issue with capstone placement and at the time I also voiced my issue with A Fire Inside being opposite to the Immolation Aura talents but as it was needed for Unbound Chaos and Fel Barrage + Any Means Nessicary coming off Chaotic Dispoition it was acceptable.

Now however A Fire Inside has no synergy or use case on the left side of the tree. Fel Barrage and A Fire Inside should be swapped. With the loss of Any Means Nessisary I would also mention that Chaotic Disposition doesn’t synergize with the fire talents either so perhaps it could find a better place in the tree but I don’t know where that could be & since it does work with Soulscar it’s probably not that bad.

Unless they make some serious changes to immo aura, it will be a huge waste of a cap stone. Even now with AMN converting it to fel and mastery buffing it, the damage is pretty low and is mostly a fury generator and a trigger for inertia. As the changes stand, it is basically a dead talent.

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