1/10M Guild Looking for Merger

Acta Non Verba is a semi-hardcore guild formed in 2008. We hit the roster boss hard after AoTC / first mythic kill but we still have a very solid core looking to continue more into mythic.
We raid Fri / Sat 8-11pm EST.
Staying on weekends is a must but Days / times might be flexible.
Let me know what you have in mind.

Actavius#1307 - Bnet
Tommy - Acti#8982 - Discord

Hi there, was trying to add you on discord to ask you a few things but it’s saying invalid. If you could add me, maybe we can work something out! My discord is arex#0920 :slight_smile:

HI! THUNDERDOME on Area 52 is looking for active players who want to push raid content AND do keys!! We are lacking bodies and looking at grouping up with another guild to push content. We raid Sat 8-11 pm EST, Sun 7-10 pm EST.

Contact me on disc at aphrodytee#3347

My GMs contact info is:
GM Redriott/thhadcastle (Area 52)
Bnet: thadcastle#1845
Discord: blaze/thadcastle#0520 (preferred)

Added you on Battlenet. We are 1/10 mythic 10/10 herioc
Raid Friday Saturday 8-11 pm est

Hello Acti!
If you are still looking for a home please come take a look at us!
P.S. We have free chicken.

This might be something we could help each other out with. I’m an officer with Mutiny [H-Kil’Jaiden] 2/10M and we want to bolster our numbers. Check out my post below and you can search for our logs and such on wow progress. Having a 30 man heroic team where we can sit and promote people to mythic is our end goal I’d love to talk to you about this.